Hi My Dog Ate My Blog Readers! I will be starting a new series on this wonderful website called TWIL posts! TWIL posts will be about what I learned this past week or I guess “This week I learned….” blah blah blah. Anyways, let’s cut to the chase. We have just started a new unit called Alike in Dignity which focuses on a play written by William Shakespeare called Romeo and Juliet. 

Thank you Ms. Willemse for this wonderful GIF.

As you probably know by now, In this class, Humanities 10, we do projects based on Milestones and this week we finished the first one. It was an analysis paragraph that each person wrote about why we still study Shakespeare today, why is he still important. This involved research on Elizabethan times as well as William Shakespeare himself, and while I was doing that, I found something very interesting that I wanted to look into a bit deeper which is The Globe Theatre!

The Globe Theatre

Let’s start with a bit of history. The Original Globe theatre (one out of three) was built on the Thames River in 1599. The theatre or playhouse was built by “Chamberlain’s Men” which was a group of actors and play writers including William Shakespeare who held shares in it. Unfortunately, the theatre burned down in 1613 and was rebuilt. It then got torn down so the parliament building could be built, and was closely removed in the 90’s, but not the same. Here is what the modern day globe theatre looks like.

When I was researching Elizabethan times for my analysis paragraph, there was something that I found that was very interesting. Going to the theatre to watch plays was NOT for the upper class, it was more for common folk like us. It wasn’t until later that it became more popular and everyone started to go! I mean, why would you want to skip going to watch bears be attacked by dogs or enjoy a tour of an insane asylum, right? These activities were much more popular than theatre at the time.


Although the history of the Globe theatre is quite interesting, I am more interested in the Architecture of it. Not only am I interested in the original architecture, I would like to imagine what would be different about a more modern version of it, what would be added? Here is an annotated Image this I created with different visions and ideas of what the theatre would look like today:


Looking a bit deeper into the history and architecture of the original Globe theatre gave me historical perspective of the time. I had a peek into what theatre would have been like in the 1500’s.