Month October 2020

Jordyn’s Thoughts on Romeo and Juliet🚺🚹

You may be thinking, if you have visited my blog before, that we did a whole unit on Romeo and Juliet last year. Why in the world would I be writing a blog post about a year-old project? That is… Continue Reading →

We Made a Walking Tour!🏃‍♀️

Hi! *virtual hug for all of My Dog Ate My Bloggers* This is officially my very first actual blog post (besides my weekly one which doesn’t count) in grade 11! GRADE 11!! I can not believe I have been writing… Continue Reading →

Jordyn’s Thoughts on the “S” Word👭

Yes. Today I will be talking about a Netflix TV show called Grand Army. Also known as Slut: The Play. Ok, hello everyone and welcome to a blog post that is a little bit different than my others. This blog… Continue Reading →

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