Hey guys!! It’s been a while…. again. Since my last post about Identity, The Mountains and Me, my view on the topic has changed quite a bit. I was talking all about how Identity is how people see you, how… Continue Reading →
Bonjour, Holà, Hello, Ciao, konnichiwa!! Wow, it’s really been a while!! Pretty much all summer other than my last post about art (Unicorn Art and Tomato Art!), but I don’t really count that one because it’s just one I forgot… Continue Reading →
THIS IS MY FIRST POST FOR HUMANITIES SINCE LAST YEAR!!! Oh my goodness!!! This is just kind of like a check in instead of a whole over view of the whole unit, which took a really long time for me… Continue Reading →
Hello fellow (hey that rhymed!) humans!! How’s your day going, mines pretty good, thanks for asking. This is going to be a bit of a special post, it’s not about any of my normal subjects, scimathics, maker, and humanities, it’s… Continue Reading →
Hello everyone who reads my blog, probably not many of you, but that’s all good! This is a very sad time since *sniffle* this is my last post of the year. I know, you guys must be pretty sad to… Continue Reading →
Kshfdlascnvksgelgjmvfngldljgeb!! That was a fast forward through all of the silly jibber jabber I always include in the beginning, I was to lazy, it’s early in the morning guys!! Anyway, we just finished our last unit of the year, the… Continue Reading →
Yes, it’s that time of year again, it’s POL time. EPISODE 2: THE DREADED TPOL!! Now, if you don’t remember my last post on a POL, its called “mPOL” standing for mid-year presentation of learning. But now that it’s the… Continue Reading →
Give me an L (L!), Give me an A (A!), Give me a U (U!), Give me an N (N!), Give me a C (C!), Give me an H (H!). What does that spell….. LAUNCH!!!!! This is Space commander Jordyn,… Continue Reading →
Ooooooooommmmmm, oooooooommmmmmmm. Oh hello there, I was just meditating a bit before we get into the latest, the greatest, science post about…. wait for it….. LIGHT!! Oh yes, light! Light is so amazing and I can’t wait to tell you… Continue Reading →
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