
film making

Was Macbeth Even Alive in the 50’s?👑

Hi everyone and welcome back to My Dog Ate My Blog! I hope everyone had a fabulous, rejuvenating spring break (if you didn’t have a spring break, I hope you are having a great start to spring) because I sure… Continue Reading →

Salt To The Sea🌊

Hey guys! Welcome back to My Dog Ate My Blog! For the past few weeks we have been working on a…… video! Wow! That’s a throwback to last year when all we worked on was videos. Sir Matthew Bailey Begbie,… Continue Reading →

Oral Storytelling in 60 Seconds!🇨🇦

Welcome back to My Dog Ate My Blog, it’s me Jordyn here to tell you about the past unit we have been working on in Humanities class. Da da da!! First things first, do you all know what a heritage… Continue Reading →

PLP 9 Tries to Be Rick Steves🎬

Hey, everyone! It’s been a while! I’m back with a Humanities Post about the most recent  unit we have been working on. For this project, we went on a journey to the capital of our home, beautiful Victoria BC. We… Continue Reading →

Lights, Camera, Action📽

It’s that time of year, well one of the times of year I guess. It’s the end of term one when everything starts wrapping up. Different units from different classes, which means lots of different blog posts. You may remember… Continue Reading →

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