
group work

Was Macbeth Even Alive in the 50’s?👑

Hi everyone and welcome back to My Dog Ate My Blog! I hope everyone had a fabulous, rejuvenating spring break (if you didn’t have a spring break, I hope you are having a great start to spring) because I sure… Continue Reading →

UPC Press Release👩‍💼

Hello everyone, today I am not Jordyn, the grade 12 blog post writer for My Dog Ate My Blog. Today, I am a member of the Ubiquitous party of Canada or the UPC. You are probably wondering why you have… Continue Reading →

Atom City: A Winter Exhibition❄️

It. Is. Time. It’s the time for the one and only… crazy, chaotic,  never ending working winter exhibition. Hey guys it’s me Jordyn, coming to you all the way from my relaxing winter break! But just because it’s winter break,… Continue Reading →

A Revolution is a Machine⛓

  I actually have no idea how to start this post. I’m running out of ways!! Sometimes I start them in a different language, sometimes I pretend I didn’t know you guys were there, and sometimes I just start by… Continue Reading →


Give me an L (L!), Give me an A (A!), Give me a U (U!), Give me an N (N!), Give me a C (C!), Give me an H (H!). What does that spell….. LAUNCH!!!!! This is Space commander Jordyn,… Continue Reading →

A STITCH in Time (literally)

  Bonjour mon amis! I am here to talk to you about the latest and greatest unit we have been doing in Humanities….. Feudalism, the fall of Rome, Crusaders, all of that good stuff! We even got to sew! I… Continue Reading →

The Door is a Bore No More!!🚪🎉

  Hello!! It’s me Jordyn, back with another post! This one will be a little bit different than the others, To the Coast, The Art of Advertising, or In a Galaxy Far, Far Away…, its going to be about my… Continue Reading →

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