Ads, Gardens and a Bowl of Doritos

A few weeks back in mid-september I was assigned with my novel studying group we were going to do a ad together for a business in Deep Cove. We chose the cafe BluHouse and then we got to work.

My first ad draft was interesting but vague. It had a good concept but no details.

The Second Draft had more details but was partially vague.

The third draft was better and had some purpose but still had some position issues

After this draft we had a field study to the “Creativity Agency” Pound And Grain. Website

(Me at Pound And Grain)

My Group was making ads along side me and when time came we choose two ads: one which was more creative and traditional. My classmates Felix and Ally had their ads featured. At Pound and Grain they had bowls of snacks in the conference room such as A Bowl Of Doritos 


My final Ad Fixed everything wrong and I think it was a professional advertisement

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