In my PLP Maker class we had a series of assignments about the photography of everyday objects ( we also had another photo project wich was about portraits ).
Our first assignment was to photograph something familar, so I choose my Marley earbuds “little bird” edition.
I used the environment as a way to to put the earbuds in positions the really show off the colors.
Our Next assignment was to edit,adjust and crop a image.
I started with this image.
Kind of dark, the headphone jack takes up a lot of space. Overall not a good picture.
The next picture I changed the angle of the photo, changed the light for better focus and I used the drawing feature in photo app to make it look nicer and cleaner.
Our next assignment was to take a photo walk , a series of photos were there is a overarching theme. I decided to choose : A Morning with Jude.
I used lightning to show that it was the morning. And I used positions for a special perspective on normal photos.
Our Final Assignment was to create a personalized photo using the drawing markup tool in photos. I used my Apple Pencil as the main object to personalize.
I Made a little Crocodile,
Overall I learned about the importance of positioning and lighting.