mPOLS 2019

For my first time in PLP, it’s time to reflect on my learning in the mid-year presentation of learning. Throughout the first term I have been evolving in the way I think, learn and work.

My current driving Question for 2019 is: Through the first term, has my way expressing my learning improved? How so?

I have a long term goal of becoming better at time management and handing in everything on time. I will get better by: time blocking (which I have started doing), staying on tasking by using the screen time feature on my iPad and being honest with myself about my work ethic.

Hopes and Expectations 

I have goals and expectations to have a milestone hit by early March before spring break, specifically: to have straight A’s.

I have a lot of dreams so I put them on a personal dream board. I have a dream of being a film maker, but I know that if I should achieve something I should start small. It would be a dream to at least start by making a short film.

A learning journey 

In my first project, I was very creative and trying my hardest. I am referring to my advertising  project (which you can see here,). Next we had a novel study where we read “The Highest Tide” ,  it was very interesting and I worked hard on it as well. Then we had our trip to Oregon and I slowly was getting worse, I was slowly miss more work and my work was getting more sloppy. I overall wasn’t doing very well in all of my subjects.


The winter exhibition

At this point I was getting really bad at my work. My parents and teachers were getting very worried, and I was getting anxious. Then we started project work on our winter exhibition project, and took the opportunity and seized it! I worked on all my projects and completed 2018 in a great state.



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