Our 2nd project for PLP 9 was an interesting way for us to stretch our creative muscles and learn about Revolutions, how so? Continue reading to find out!
Reflection and Videos
I’m going to try something new for this blog post! I’m going to start with a reflection on the project and then talk about the project itself after!
The driving question of this project was: How do ideas drive change? And id like to split this question into 2 parts: Ideas about the book Revolution and Revolutions = Change!
Part 1: Ideas about Revolution (The book)
To learn about literature and the Revolution, we read the book Revolution (2010) by Jennifer Donnelly, the book dealt with themes of Grief, Guilt and dealing with trauma through music. Anyways for this project we learned and discussed through what our teacher ( Ms.Maxwell ) calls book chats!
My favourite and personal best sheet I created for these book chats was my 2nd sheet for the role of creative connector for a 2nd time connector-role. pages, I wrote about the band Radiohead and the iPod.
For a final reflection on the book we created a creative reflection for the book and presented it, Gallery Walk style! I decided to do a podcast which is a format the turns out to work well for me! For the process of making the podcast itself, I researched my topic ( Location in media) and then looked through the book for examples and things to talk about. After having an idea and examples, I created a script! You can see that here:
(This is the first draft and I currently can’t find my second and final one)
After making a script, I used my microphone (which sounds semi-professional) to record the scriptures) Fun Fact: The podcast originally intended to be a video essay but there was nothing overly visual about it.
You can listen to the final podcast here!
Conclusion (About The book Revolution)
I’d say that Ideas drive change when we accept our past and towards the future, similar to the man character of Andi in the book!
Driving Change (The Revolution videos)
So for the 2nd leg of the project, we created multiple videos about different Revolutions and different styles. For this project, I worked with Thomas, Brenton and Kaden.
Since most of these videos follow a similar production schedule and you probably don’t want to read a trillion words I going to summarize them all in the production stages.
Pre Production
Most of the videos started with a script! (Surprise, surprise) but the scripts varied for the different Videos. For instance: For the rap video about the Russian Revolution we wrote the lyrics and decided on actions we did on-site.
The next part was the storyboard which was fairly straightforward, we use simply created a collaborative document in the app keynote and brought our words to life! Usually, a day after we started……
For al the video production was straightforward; we find a suitable setting to film and then we had one person filming (usually me) and we filmed! At most, it took 2 days to finish filming and some videos we had special conditions! Like in one of our videos we had extras!
After filming the footage we had the film tasks in……
Post Production
Due to how IMovie works we usually had one person editing while everyone added clips and audio files to add! After we watched it, with our class we usually made some minor fixes to the videos to ensure they were quality.
Crane Brinton and overall Revolutions
The crane Brinton theory is the theory we used to talk about the Revolutions we learned about ( Russian, French, Industrial and American ). The theory helped learn about the Revolutions and was a prime tool to help find out how ideas drive change.
The Videos!!
You can watch vids Here!
I think finally after talking about all this stuff I can finally the question: Ideas drive change when we push ourselves to create ideas and learn concepts that Revolutionize our thinking.
Thanks for reading!