Hello, welcome back to my blog!

In the past few weeks, we got given a task to do an incredible project about the Revolutions! Sounds intriguing right? Keep reading to learn more about my journey while doing this awesome project!

For our videos, we had a driving question we had to answer. It was “How do Ideas drive change?”

In 6 weeks we worked on screenplays, storyboards, a rap video, a re-creation of a John Greene video, a skit and many animations! I had my ups and downs working on this project, I enjoyed working with my peers and I got to learn a lot about them! However I did have some ruff times, I felt overwhelmed and very stressed. Thankfully I had my group to help me get through it!

First I am going to reflect on the competencies for this project:

Cause and Consequence

I learned that King Louis XVI raised taxes (cause) which led to the French Revolution (consequence). I demonstrated my understanding of cause and consequence in all of our videos. At the start of the project, I didn’t understand this, but after doing all this research I have a better understanding of cause and consequence.


I went to multiple sources to gather information. When there was competing information I did MLA Citations to see if it was a trustworthy source. I also looked for common information across sources which led me to think that it was accurate information. I think I did a good job and found reliable sources, as well as document them.

Create and Extend Shared Understanding

Throughout this project, our group was contacting each other by text and at school to gather information and share ideas. We discussed and found a big idea together. Sometimes we chose one idea that we thought was best. I feel I was good at contacting everyone and sharing my opinions and ideas on the project.

Text Comprehension and Appreciation Strategies

I gathered information by doing research that included videos, books, websites, and stuff from my past learning. I had a document in Pages where I kept all of my notes and information that I found about the revolutions. Most of the time I did understand the information, but sometimes I went too fast and so didn’t have a great understanding of it.

Now I am going to reflect on the Revolution Video Process:

Video 1

This turned out much better than expected. I felt that we weren’t very organized with our screenplay, however, it turned out great, other than the change in audio volume at times. This was about the French Revolution and showed the cause and consequence.

Video 2

I felt our screenplay and audio were good. But because it was a Rap it was harder to learn about the revolution, because we were more focused on the singing than the information that we learned. This video was about the American Revolution and we highlighted cause (high taxes and no independence) and consequence (revolution) through a Rap song. In the end, I was happy with it, but it was harder to understand what was happening.

Video 3

I felt that I understood more of the facts in this video because it was more of an informative video. However, there were a few video problems, such as the change in location, and the audio not matching up with the video. However, in the end, I think we did a good job of providing the information. There were lots of events (cause) that led to the Russian Revolution (consequence).

4th and FINAL Video!

This is about the French Revolution again. We wanted to mix in more information and add animation. The video turned out good. It was the best video. Our animations were good. The mic was working and the audio matched up with the video. I am proud of the finished product. It felt like the information was more descriptive than video 1, which will help you understand what happened better.

Let’s go back to the driving question, which is “How do Ideas Drive Change?”. There are two ways to answer this question. First, when working in a group, we can improve on each others’ ideas by sharing information and discussing it. Each video slowly got better this way. Second, all the revolutions started with an idea that caused the desire for change – lower taxes, more land, independence, etc. It is the sharing of the idea with others that causes a revolution.

Thank you,
