Hello everyone! I hope that you are all doing well. The end of February we had the chance to participate in a regional tournament called destination imagination. It sure was quite an adventure. Destination imagination (or DI  ) is like I said, a tournament which many schools around the world take part in. Groups compete against each other in challenges. The challenges were engineering, fine arts, scientific, improv and, technical. Click here to get more information about D.I. My group participated in the scientific challenge. In this blog post I’m going to talk about a few of the steps that we went through, our challenges and our successes that we had throughout this adventure. 

We first started off with the planning. We had to figure out our species morph, habitat morph and our plan for the skit. Next we did some research on the species that we chose, to include into the script. The species that we decided to do was the black mamba. we did a lot of research to figure out there lifespan, habitat, diet and many more facts. The species morph that we chose was that when the black mamba would shed, his next layer of skin was very colourful.

After researching all of our information it was time to create the props. WE started making all the props and costumes and then painting them. I would say this was one of the most time consuming parts of this project however, it was also very fun. We would stay after school hours to practice, create the props and costumes and have fun!

After weeks of preparing is was time for the regional tournament. We arrived at the school early on a Saturday morning to get organized and practice. when it was time to present we got all or our props and costumes ready. everything went quit smoothly until we started. The costume was falling over, we were knocking the props over and I forgot my lines. Even though it wasn’t what we pictured and it didn’t go as planned, we worked hard as a team and that’s all that maters.

To conclude, this was a very fun experience. It was lots of hard work and team work. We did have our difficulties and the end results were far from perfect. We did have lot of fun and got to learn a lot from each other.

Make sure to check out my peers’ blog posts!






Stay safe and talk to you soon!
