Hello! Recently we did a project that included lots and lots of planning, drafts and revision. We were given a driving question “Who’s the greatest Canadian” and our task was to create an episode of a podcast answering that driving question. Before we were given this driving question we all chose a topic to do our podcast on that includes 10 episodes. I chose to do mine on mental health Because I’m very passionate about it. Next up we got to create a podcast name and podcast cover and we made a short trailer talking about what this podcast is all about. I’ll show you guys my podcast name and cover however, my podcast will be a surprise.

We had 6 milestones to do throughout this whole project, we completed all these milestones in a numbers document and I will be sharing a few with you today.

The first milestone that I will be talking about is milestone 2 which is the story mountain. Here were the competencies being assessed in this milestone:

Empowered Learner: How might I use technology to construct knowledge?

Comprehending Text: Have I applied a variety of strategies to comprehend texts and express an understanding of how texts use features?

Establish Historical Significance: How do we make choices about what is worth remembering?

Our task was to explain our greatest Canadian of our choice story step by step. We started with the exposition which is an introduction of your greatest Canadian and then we move on to the rising action which is the background of that person. Here is an example of the story mountain that we were given by our teacher.

The next milestone that I will be talking about is milestone four. This milestone was all about the podcast script. Here were the competencies being assessed:

Empowered Learner: How might I use technology to construct knowledge?

Comprehending Text: Have I applied a variety of strategies to comprehend texts and express an understanding of how texts use features?

Establish Historical Significance: How do we make choices about what is worth remembering?

We first started doing a draft and then moved onto our final script. For me I felt like I had to change my script a few times after doing my interview and completing my podcast I still wasn’t happy with it I felt like there wasn’t enough information and it wasn’t very clear so I pretty much restarted the whole podcast script and that one turned out much better. Here is my draft of my final script.

The final milestone that I will be talking about is milestone five and that is the completed Podcast. Here are the competencies being assessed:

Empowered Learner: How might I use technology to construct knowledge?

Comprehending Text: Have I applied a variety of strategies to comprehend texts and express an understanding of how texts use features?

Establish Historical Significance: How do we make choices about what is worth remembering?

Our task was to hand in the first podcast episode that included the driving question, the description of our greatest Canadian, Music, an interview and a conclusion as to why we think they are the greatest Canadian.
Overall, I think the final product turned out pretty OK of course there’s always room for improvement however, I still think I did pretty well. Throughout this project, I got to work on my time management and I feel like I accomplished my goal I’ve mostly handed in everything on time. I would say next time I would like to spend more time writing my script creating the music and working on speaking fluently. Thank you for reading this blog post I’ll see you soon!

Make sure to check out this episode by pressing the link down below!


Thank you!
