It’s almost Christmas break! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by! Anyways, recently all of the grade 10 PLP students have put all of their brainpower on a podcast of our choice. We had the chance create a podcast from start to finish. We all chose one big podcast and for each episode we got given a driving question. I chose to do my podcast on mental health, Episode 1 was all about The greatest Canadian and i did mine on Margaret Trudeau and her story with struggling with bipolar disorder. This episode was all on WWII. After lots research and completion of the milestones on the war it was time to start the episode!
Like I said earlier, we had to complete 6 different milestones to help us guide through this episode step by step. Here were a few of the milestones that I thought I did on including their competencies.
Milestone 1 was one of the milestones that I did well at. It was all about nationalism connections. For this milestones i talked about how nationalism plays into our own lives. I did mine on covid I attached nationalism to covid by talking about the different protocols all around the world. Here are the competencies and the complete milestone
Competency Being Assessed:
Responding to Text: Have I constructed an original connection between myself, the text, and the world?
I can construct a personal, critical, and creative connection between myself, the text, and the world.
Using Evidence and Resources: Have I found diverse sources and evaluated them for their relevance, accuracy, and reliability?
I can access resources for specific purposes, from a variety of sources, and evaluate their relevance, accuracy, and reliability.
Next up is milestone 2, this milestone helped me learn about my topic during the war by doing research and creating a page that has the key notes and the MLA citations of the sources that I found. Even though this wasn’t my strongest milestone I still enjoyed doing it and it for sure helped me understand my topic to another level. These were the competencies:
Analyze Cause and Consequence: Who or what influenced events to occur and what were the consequences of those events?
I can assess how underlying conditions and the actions of individuals or groups influence events, decisions, or developments and analyze the consequences.
Using Evidence and Resources: Have I found diverse sources and evaluated them for their relevance, accuracy, and reliability?
I can access resources for specific purposes, from a variety of sources, and evaluate their relevance, accuracy, and reliability.
Global Collaborator: How might I use technology to connect to the world?
I can use technology to connect to others locally and globally to generate, enhance, and analyze my ideas.
Overall, this episode was pretty fun, Even though I didn’t my best work and I could’ve tried harder at it and my last episode was better, I still got to learn a lot about the war and got interview someone that experienced the war. This episode was a good learning experience that will help me for my future podcast episodes. Now I know what I should focus more on during the making of my future episodes.
Don’t forget to check out my Podcast on Any podcast platforms!
Thank you,
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