Week Eight Let’s Reflect

For our final week of the blogging, challenge, we had to reflect on our experience with the challenge. So this is my second year in the challenge so I sort of expected what was going to happen but week one happened. After all, I had a really good experience with the blogging challenge and I think it made me a better writer and way more creative. This is my last year doing the blogging challenge so it has been a great experience for me to improve as a writer. I will keep blogging as the year goes on with different projects because it is really important to keep writing about your experiences in life so you have memories of them. My favorite week this year was week 6 about emojis so I made a video about different emojis and how they are the same to movies it was pretty fun because you can relate to the movies through emojis.

One the week I didn’t really like so much was music I don’t play music or anything I don’t relate to it at all. Even though I didn’t like I still had to do it so I made a beat in a garage band.

Overall the student blogging challenge teaches me that you have to read through the challenge and take your time with the challenge don’t rush it slow down. Also work on my own which I am working on throughout the year.

Movie Review|| The last Jedi

The Star Wars, Episode The Last Jedi is shockingly good. You’d expect it to be loud and gargantuan and to hit its marks in the manner of JJ Abrams’s Force awakens which was the first episode under Disney is  as well as the first to leave George Lucas behind, presumably counting his money and leaving the fans. What you’d never dare expect is high style, let alone the kind of emotion that holds you through three different story’s Which hich has a mandate to look backward and forward as well as sideward at any character with the potential to be spun off into his or her own vehicle. But the new writer-director, Rian Johnson He pinpoints the intersection between characters’ desperate need to belong and the special effects that will lift those longings into the realm of myth. He achiees what no one else has since The empire strikes backk

Daisy Ridley returns as Rey, the orphan who, last time out, discovered that she had the Force and used it to repel an attack by the callow Darth Vader Wannabe Kylo REN    after which she took off (with Chewbacca and R2-D2) for the rocky island where Luke Skywalker lives in self-imposed exile. It was a holy moment at the end of The Force Awakens when she came face-to-face with him at the top of a long line of steps, bearing his old lightsaber. It’s an unholy moment in The Last Jedi when the last Jedi tosses it away and returns to his cave to feel sorry for himself. Not Yoda will he be, apparently. What’s eating Luke? It takes Rey a while to get the full story In the meantime, who should show up in visions but Ren, who carves out a quiet space in a parallel realm in which he and Rey share their innermost thoughts. She’s convinced that despite his fealty to the creepy Supreme Leader Snoke she can reach the core of Jedi decency in him, much as Luke once stirred the long-dormant heart of Darth Vader. But Luke has his doubts about Ren. Perhaps it had something to do with howHe skewered his own dad. The Rey-Luke-Ren triangle is really the main story line, but much time is taken up by Star Wars’ new high-flying cowboy, Poe Dameron

I also think, The last Jedi, there’s a lot of sleight-of-hand involved in making you think that the plot is moving forward instead of in circles. The first demolished space cannon is very exciting, the twelfth a bit of been-there-exploded-that. And how can it be that, however traumatic the intervening decades, the open-faced, shining-eyed Luke Skywalker has evolved into a raspy, hirsute, get-off-my-lawn old fart? His name should be Luke cavswalker like go help the rebels you old fart.

Live Video🏀

For this blog post I will be talking about my live event video we had to do. For this video I did my basketball practice. So we started off by warming up our practice had a lot of running for reason but we warmed up then got straight into our dribbling drills which help us when we are playing teams so we can use our ball control. Then we did our strength and conditioning drills. I understand the importance of the plank to make us stronger but oh boy does it burn. Then we ran our defence and offence for the rest of the practice and at the end we had a scrimmage it is really important that we had our defense down because we have a game against STA so hopefully it goes well.


So how I made this video was asked if I could get some footage and my coach said of course so every time I could because I was still practicing so every time I could I would film some clips and at the end of practice I interviewed Gabe about our coming games and how we are going to play.