Hi everyone and welcome to my t-pol, Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner. Pretty crazy I am heading into my last year at seycove and last year in PLP. With Covid and everything going on high school has felt so quick but I want to make my last year at seycove a good one. I feel like I am ready for Grade 12 but also some things to work on the summer and during the school to prep me for university wherever that is. This grade 12 year is gunna be a big year for not only in school but in baseball. To help me in the summer I am going to be continuing my Spanish course which will help me stay on top of things and this is a good time to work on my work habits and staying on task and getting things done. Next year in grade 12 I really wanna be on top of my work in humanities especially because we are guuna have the class every single day for the whole year so it is gunna be really important to develop good working habits in the summer to just build on during the school year. Some goals I wanna achieve for grade 12 are taking bigger risks in English and voicing my opinion because in university especially if I am in the USA playing baseball and doing my studies away from my family I really need to develop good working and habits and taking risks to get my work done. Another goal I have for next year is just really staying on the same page with my teachers and schedule just overall organization, but especially communication with teachers and my family which I think has gotten a little bit better but could still really use some improvements for my life after high school. To highlight some things over this year that I have been proud of is definitely this past exhibition with building the Locker.
Even though I wasn’t there to present my learning I did really want to. I was proud of the way it looked and it really showed how important John Harr was to baseball on the North Shore and in B.C. Another project I am proud of was the persuasive essay about plastic straws and why they are better then paper straws and I think it was a well written essay and my grammar showed my improvements throughout the year. I made a strong argument and supported my ideas well it was just overall a good project for me. On the topic of writing even though I talk about my writing every time but I think I am improving a lot over the course of the year. But I really understand writing more in my opinion and the flow of writing but there is definitely more for to improve on in writing but I think it takes time and the more I write the better I will be and can set myself up for university really well. If I stick with writing and don’t give up. For next year I am going to have a good mindset for the past couple months I have been working having a good mindset and embracing the pressure and controlling your nerves for situations like these that can be scary and when I get older with what I wanna do I know there is gunna be a lot of stressful situations and practicing now so when those times come in the future I am ready for those situations. If your someone who wants to be in those situations and embraces them your going to have so much more success in life so I am going to continue to build on those skills in the summer and take that mentality into the school year to have a great last year at seycove. Thank you guys for listening to my t-pol.