For the student blogging challenge I visited a few blogs and left some comments.Here are a few comments I left
At first I came across fletchers blog and was interested in the blogs name which kind of lured me into his blog. On his blog he has school posts but also some posts based on what he would like to share. Here’s the link to his blog post:
My comment was: hello,love your blogs name.I really like how you’ve posted non school required posts as well as school related posts on your blog. A example of one of his posts of choice.
Next I read Ashlyn’s blog, the post that originally caught my eye was titled “one person can change the world”. In here post she wrote about a lesson in class and a link or similarity to a story she is currently reading.My comment was: Hello Ashlyn, I really like how you incorporated a story you had heard with something you had learned in class.If you were given the chance to impact the world in any way how would you Change it . Here’s a link to Ashlyn’s blog post:
The third blog I visited was Delaney’s who is also in Mrs. Webers class with Ashlyn.I read and commented on her about her about me page. Her about me page was about her hobbies (playing soccer,baking/cooking) and her lifestyle altogether. Here’s the comment I left : hello Delaney ,I love to cook as well. What is your favourite meal to cook or bake
Here’s a link to delaneys blog post:
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