A math game.

Hello everyone, these last few weeks in Scimatics we’ve been learning about exponent laws and have created a game using them. For this project I created game with Ciara. We started of by making up simple math games, starting with a few supplies than making them more complicated. Here are the rules of the games we made.


  • Our first set of rules

We the started learning about the exponent laws and practicing them.

After we were familiar with the exponent laws we made our first draft of our game,
Here is our first draft.



  • Our rules

Our first draft was okay, but the rules weren’t very clear and that version of the game was confusing itself. At that point we still were not sure of how exactly our game would work. I think we just chose the best ideas and put them together. We presented our game to some of our classmates and they enjoyed the game but of course had some critique. They suggested we make better game pieces, work on clarifying rules and making it easier in general to understand. Later on we worked more on practicing and understanding exponent laws. We also took a quiz to test our understanding.
After more revision we made our second draft of our game.

  • Our updated game pieces

For this version we improved our game pieces and cards, but also made our rules clearer and added diagrams to make it easier for the players to play our game. Then next week another math class in our grade came and tried out our games. We presented our final version of our game. The presentation went really well and they people that tried our game seemed to really enjoy it.

Overall I think this project went pretty well, even though there were some challenges especially with our rules. I think we overcame issues we had had with our game and created a fun way to practice exponent laws.
Thanks for visiting my blog, Kaia

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