Time is money 🕰

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, this post is all about our latest project in scimatics Time is money.

For this project we created a business or service and kept track of expenses, sell price and the amount of time and money it took to make it all happen. We would then take that info and create a equation then put it in a linear graph to see how much money this business would generate over time. By doing this we were striving to improve in these competencies. Understanding and solving, Communicating and representing, and connecting and reflecting.

How I improved in: Understanding and solving.

We began our project by choosing a service, completing it and then recording the expenses, sell price, time and money. We recorded all that in a numbers doc.


This specific activity helped me show growth in understanding and solving because I had all my info lined up and organized for future reference. In all because of this activity I understood what I needed to for other elements of my project.

Another way I feel I understood and solved in this project was when we worked on khan academy assignments. This was a way I could build understanding of the main goal of demonstrating our earnings over time. Listening and completing assignments on khan academy helped a lot later on and was a good resource.


How I improved in: communicating and representing.

Next i took the knowledge I’d built overtime and created my equation and linear graph.


Once I had my equation and graph I analyzed and reviewed them. Learning about how much my service would make in a day, year and lifetime. I then demonstrated those ideas in my video. Making my video was a great way to communicate my ideas, it was a simple an effective way to show what I discovered about my project. I was able to represent my learning throughout my video and it turned out pretty well.


Even though there’s room for improvement I’m glad of how my graph and video shows what I have learned in this project. As well as how I’ve  learned how to show my learning in new ways , like through desmos.

How I improved in: connecting and reflecting.

Another competency that I believe I showed in my video was connecting and reflecting. In my video I talked about my results and connected them to situations in my life and where I live. I made sure I went into depth about cost of living and comparisons of other jobs in Canada. This was important not only because it got me thinking more about the topic but I also learned more about finances and money. compared to what I would have if I didn’t connect what I’d learned with other necessities and topics.

Another way I believe I’ve done this is right now in this post, writing about my learning and how I feel I’ve improved in important competencies like this one.

Overall this project has showed me how money is gained over time, but also a lot more I’ve learned how to use new websites, I’ve  improved in competency’s but most importantly I’ve become more independent in my learning. Which will be super helpful right now and forever. Goodbye, Kaia.


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