Think you can do better????

Hey everyone it’s your favourite person…. Me (Kaia)

 Welcome back to my blog! If you’ve read my extremely amazing last few posts you would know I’ve been working on a project called “Think You Can Do Better?” 

This project was all about Politics, note taking and answering the question  “How Should We Govern Ourselves?” 

To even begin to answer this question I had to understand our current government. If I was to change anything about how we govern ourselves I first needed to know the current system. This meant research, and alot of notes! 

Meet Zettlecasten, 

Zettlecasten meet random person reading my blog post! 

Zettlecasten is a form of note taking, commonly used to create a “second brain.” I used this form of note taking to keep track of everything I learned about the current government system.


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I then took those notes and used them to write one of the posts I mentioned earlier. Within that post I wrote about the recent election and what our government is comprised of.  While doing so I began realizing certain parts or systems that I thought could be improved.

Going into this project I had a rough answer to the driving question, almost a vague idea of what we should do to govern ourselves. By learning specifically how our government works, my answer slowly became better. I started to come up with more concrete ideas. 

I soon got to apply those ideas to my very own political party! 

I was in a group with Ciara, Emily and Fraser. Each of us brought ideas from our past assignments, to create a political party with innovative ideas. 

This is the part of the project when I realized how much work being a politician is! It was really complicated to create a unique platform, and still stay true to our values. 

We ended up creating the Egalitarian Party of Canada. A party devoted to equality for all citizens. 

To learn more about the party we created check out my, or my group member’s posts. 

My Post

Ciara’s Post

Fraser’s Post

Emily’s Post

After some revision and decision making we created the platform/press release shown above. While putting everything together we focused on creating realistic plans, that benefitted everyone. We decided to attempt to target all kinds of demographics, while avoiding making broad or vague statements.

I think completing our press release gave me a new perspective of government or what it means to govern.

While of course our politcal party was not real, we approached the assignment pretty seriously. This helped me understand more about what is required in a political party, or government.

The next step of our project was a campaign video.

To create our video we made storyboards, rough scripts and focused on a interview style video. We wanted to demonstrate how our party would listen to Canadians. To achieve this we asked multiple Canadians the same question, and then commented on how our party would compliment their wishes or goals. We thought this would provide enough information about our party, while also shedding light on our values.
We revised our answers a few times to insure we mentioned as much as possible and then created our video….


While our video successfully showed multiple opinions and included both French and English. The main component we left out was a story. While I think our interview idea was great. We could’ve done a better job of including a beginning, middle and end within our video.

Overall what I’ve learned from this project is that we should govern in a similar way to how my group completed this project, by bringing different individuals together and combining ideas. Our government should fully represent Canada and embody the values and goals that are distinct to all. While of course not every single opinion can be heard, our government should include a much bigger variety of voices. We are all different, but that shouldn’t mean that a majority of us should feel unimportant or excluded from decision making. 

See you soon, 

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