Witness to history 📒✨

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Our recent project in maker has been really interesting. Because of COVID-19 we have all been affected greatly and staying at home, this most recent project Witness to History has given us a chance to record what’s been happening in our communities during this really weird time. 

To record our communities experience we created our very own video, but before we started making our videos we had to begin with a strong pre production.

To start of the project we learned more about everything happening due to COVID-19, to make sure we had some extra facts to throw into our own videos. We also practiced our video making abilities, with a quick iMovie trailer. 


These activities were particularly helpful for me because it was a way to build knowledge on both aspects of this project, how communities are affected by the virus and also our video making skills. This activity was also a way I could demonstrate how I can use technology to learn more about what’s going on around me, and overall be a more empowered and independent learner. Which is super important now that Im doing school from home.  

Next we focused on building knowledge of what was going on around us. Even though we are living during these times we still had to make sure we had all the facts and important details we would need. To do this we looked at different articles and overall researched more about COVID-19. By doing this we were getting all the info for our video, (which we would soon begin) and using technology to connect with the world around us. 

When I had explored a lot of websites and sources it was time to become the source. I started making my video. Like many do, I began with a plan (aka pre production of my video essay.) I began with some brainstorming and then created my storytelling diagram or my very first draft. 

Making a story telling diagram was really important because I got all my ideas out there and organized. This also got me thinking of how and what I would need to include to meet the driving question. 

Next I took my storytelling diagram and gave it images, sounds, shots and overall more ideas. I made a storyboard.


Making this storyboard was really important to my end result but also kinda challenging. I had to keep in Mind the expectations of the video essay and of course remember the driving question. I also had to make sure my story made sense and wasn’t to jam packed and confusing. In the end of creating my storyboard I tried to stick to simplicity and what I wanted people to take away from my video essay. 

Once I had a clear vision of what I wanted my video to be It was time to make it. 



I’m really proud of how my video turned out, I really like how it demonstrates my community and brings some positivity to a difficult time. I’m also glad I chose to capture Helga bays perspective because its pretty unique and actually really fun to make an video about.  I really hope in the future somebody will find my video and learn about how my community was effected by COVID-19.

Bye for now, Kaia

dj2216 / Pixabay



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