|Bad things happen when you go for a Run|

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, this post will be about our recent project in maker, Run. For this project I worked with Emily, Asha and Felix To re create the short film run.  The driving question for this project was what technology, tools and strategies can we utilize to create short films.
To understand the and achieve what the driving question instructs us to do we needed to begin to go through the main milestones of our project. But before we began tackling the production of our remake we started off with a small activity to help us understand our strengths and weaknesses. For that activity we took a quiz to determine what kind of personality traits we had. Unfortunately the activity didn’t end up up working for me. But after looking through the types I came across one that sounded a lot like me. The advocate or INJFT.

Which means I can work really well and tend to do my part in a group but can be over sensitive to disagreements. As well as I can struggle with difficult decisions.
So after I acquired this information I decided to use my strengths and avoid weaknesses to help do a better job of the project. Later on we started our pre-production stage of our project. For the pre production part of our work we started with a screenplay based off of the already existing original short film. For our screenplay we had to write about the shots angles and generally what happened in the film as well as what we heard and what extra things we saw.

This activity was meant to help us understand what we needed for props, costumes , sound effects and camera angles and became very useful for our next part of the pre production stage.  Which was our story board, which Asha created. Our storyboard was very important as it showed every angle and shot we would have to get to mirror the original film. Here is our story board.


The story board ended up being really useful when we filmed because we couldn’t watch the film, but we still had it to refer to. The last thing we did for the pre production stage was make our call sheet. Emily wrote and her and I discussed what we need when we would meet and all the props we would bring for when we filmed, we recorded all of this on our call sheet call sheet.
Our call sheet helped my group and I prepare for when we filmed by being a way to review what our responsibilities were and where we needed to be. Here is our call sheet.

After finishing all our planning and determining what we would do while we were filming. It was time to film Run. In the short horror film there is two characters the runner and the chaser. For our version of the short film I was the runner. So the day we filmed I came wearing the grey joggers outfit. We filmed our short film without any issues, we had Asha film and co direct while Emily co directed, and Felix and I acted in the film. After a while we had all our raw footage shot and ready for editing. Emily edited our film I found some sound effects that were the same and similar to the original online. After some extra editing and revisions we finally finished our video.
Here’s our video.


Here’s the original.


Overall I think we did a really good job, and that our short film turned out really well. Working in this group and on this project has really helped me improve at working with others as well as acted as practice of using my strengths . I think I could’ve improved on the pre production part of our project as well by helping out a little more and assisting in the planning and set up. Because the pre production ended up being the key to this project. Besides that I feel like I’ve done pretty well in this project and have learned quite a bit about film making and what it takes to make a good film as well as how to use apps to help me plan and create a movie.

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