the process of the winter exhibition

When putting together my project for the Winter exhibition, I started with one idea, one environmental question that would be the base of the whole presentation. That question was how wolves were effected by environmental changes. After I had my question tweeted and approved by my peers, I made my question more specific the part of my question that said wolves, and specifying it to the wolves up at grouse mountain. From there, I went forth and started to research this topic. After looking through many sites and sources I was disappointed to find out that all of the wolves at grouse mountain had passed and were no longer alive, so then I was forced to start room scratch and create yet another idea.

For this next idea I had to really think of a good topic. I thought long and hard for many hours until I got home and thought about some common animals in my community. I thought about squirrels, deer, skunks, raccoons, cougars and more. After I went through my options, I came to the conclusion of deer, seeing as their are lots of them, and because I find deer very interesting. Then once again I started to research. Although I might’ve been wrong, I could find nothing wrong with the local deer in the North Vancouver. I brought this problem up with my mom and she thought that maybe it would be a good idea to specify to the deer on Vancouver island because there is an over population of deer there. I thought about how I could make a question to go with that topic and as an end result I came up with this question, how do the Vancouver island deer effect there surroundings? I spent most of my time researching my topic and came up with many different subtopics such as deer eating people’s gardens, deer getting hit by cars, deer spreading ticks, and more!

After my research, I cut a large piece of plain white paper off of the big paper rolls that are outside of the art room, and started to take what I had learned and draw it out on to paper. To complete all of the drawings took about two days, while researching in between. The two days passed and I had finally finished my drawings, but I had to paint it, and the painting would have to be made into a time lapse to add some more creativity to the project. The painting took a while but I managed to get it done on time.

Once my project was finished, I was put into a group with some of my classmates, Logan, Jessie, Jamie, Raina and Kai and we got a segment of the classroom to use and decorate for the exhibition. My group thought about how we wanted to set up the room and what supplies we would need in order to do that, then we gave everyone in the group something that they would be in charge of bringing. I was in charge of bringing animal figurines and fake trees. We were able to use some of the furniture that was already in the classroom so we didn’t need to worry about bringing tables and chairs, but some things that were in the classroom, we had to fight for, like the glass table. Because they only had one, students had to fight for it and the group who had the best argument would get the glass table. Our group needed it because of its substantial size and we found a way to use the glass to our advantage. Our plan was to have our segment of the room be decorated like the sea and have part of it be an island, which is why we needed the glass table.

We used the supplies that everyone brought in to decorate that island. We first covered it with green construction paper and then cut out one end to have a beach. Because the table was made of glass we could put things underneath and still be able to see it, so when we made the beach, we put sea, fake fish and seaweed, starfish and crabs made of clay underneath it and made it so that you could see inside of the ocean. While we were finishing up the island, we began to place blue and green streamers all around our segment of the room, as well as decorate the door with an ocean scene made of construction paper. We were done making the beach part of our island display so we started to put fake trees, moss, and animal figures on the island then hot glue them in to place. we had finally finished the island and the exhibition was almost about to start so we proceeded to move the island to where it needed to be in the room, and I placed my mural onto a folded table and was finally ready for the exhibition.

Picture will be here

Over all, I thought the Winter exhibition was a success. I got good advice that helped me a lot and I had good partners that made the exhibition the best that it could be. I think that it is safe to say that it was a great experience for all of us. although there were a few things that i could have done better, such as the painting job, and time lapsing the drawing process as well as the painting process, not just the painting part, I still think that I did a pretty good job for the amount of time given. I have this impression because the people that I talked to about my project seemed to be very interested In what I had to say. Some things I wish that I had done differently were adding more info to my poster and maybe adding a background colour to it as well.
I loved the winter exhibition, it was a great learning experience. I had a lot of fun and I hope to do this again in the future!

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