A world of steam

Have you ever heard of steampunk? Or maybe you have but have no idea what it is. Well by the time you finish reading, you will know all about it! Steampunk is a concept of retro futurism, or in other words, it’s basically the idea of having these extravagant futuristic gadgets and spectacular steam powered machinery being used in a time period around the 1800’s (the Victorian era) that wouldn’t have had such advanced tech at the time.

Now we know what steampunk is, but if we were to Imagine what it looked like, what would you picture? A lot of people might see a lot of gears and Victorian styled clothing and those cool looking goggles that everyone seems to associate with steampunk. This is all thanks to a little thing called the steampunk aesthetic. The steampunk aesthetic uses the theme of taking something from the future and putting it in the past, and expands off of it by exposing what’s on the inside and having it shown on the outside (exposed gears, wires, pipes etc…). Anything with a steampunk aesthetic to it would usually have a similar colour scheme of brass and copper colours, as well as gold and sometimes silver. If your not already a steampunk expert by now, click here for more details regarding everything steampunk.

I dug deeper into the concept of steampunk and started to think of an inquiry question concerning all that I have learned about the subject. After toying with a few question ideas, I finally made the decision to go with this one “how could we make the world steampunk, or is it even possible?” . In my opinion it could very well possible if we stopped using fossil fuels and other sources of energy and switched to purely steam power. There would be no internet, no Netflix, but if it came down to it, I feel like it could potentially be possible. The only thing standing in the way of a steampunk world, is the cooperation of the people. Not everyone would have the will power to ditch the internet and say goodbye to Instagram forever. And a change in society of this size would take a whole lot of convincing, and people can be pretty stubborn when it comes to parting with their beloved technology.

So in conclusion to my question of  “how could we make the world steampunk, or it even possible” I propose that yes, it could very well be possible if we switched to steam power only. With this said, it probably wouldn’t ever happen, because a big change like this would not appeal the majority of the population. Sorry to all the steampunk lovers out there, I hope I didn’t completely crush your dreams.👍

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