Barack’s influence is one to remember

Barack Obama, born on august 4th 1961, is one of the top 100 most influential people in the world. He got accepted into Harvard Law, became a civil rights attorney, then proceeded to run for senate. He gained national fame in 2004, when he unexpectedly won at the march primary with 655,923 votes. Born in Honolulu Hawaii, Barack was the first ever African American to be president of the United States, and has been believed to have broken a racial barrier with his presidency. With his kind and accepting personality, It doesn’t surprise me to hear that he was the first ever president to state that he supported same sex marriages. This act has really shown me, and sure many others, how accepting and caring he really is. I could imagine how scary admitting this might have been, as not everyone agrees with those views and they may have frowned upon this. Ignoring what others might have thought, he made his views clear, and I feel that this has inspired many, me included. This being said, not everyone was okay with the change that Barack Obama brought forward. Some campaigned against him and fought to get him impeached and even arrested, not to mention other democrats making racist comments to try and get him to back down from the presidentship. Despite those who didn’t like the change, most people saw Obamas presidency as a sense of pride, and accepted his role as leader of the United States. Below is a picture collage representing him and the changes he has made, impacting the lives of many.

It’s hard to belt that as few as four decades ago, people who tried to register black people to vote, could have been killed, and now a man of colour has been the president of the U.S for eight years! I feel that the change Obama has brought, is that he has shown people that the tides are changing in regards to racism in the United States. This is why Obama is one of the top 100 most influential people in the world, and although he is no longer the president, his impact will go on to inspire others for many years to come.


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