Camera angles

In this asighnment I was asked to take pictures with my PLP class using the many different camera angles that I learned about. In the pictures below I have labeled the different angles and talked a little bit about each one.

Medium shot


When using a medium shot you can see more detail and can sometimes be able to pick out the main characters from the rest. Also, in most medium shots you only see the characters from the shoulders up. In this photo that I took, you can see an example of this.

Close up shot

In this picture I used a close up shot because I wanted to capture a detailed picture of this tiny flower. In movies, they sometimes use a close up shot to show the emotion or reaction of a character in extreme detail. They would also use a close up shot when looking closely at an object during a film.

Establishing shot

The establishing shot is used to establish the setting of a film. In this picture, the setting is in myrtle park. I know that because the establishing shot is a photo of Myrtle park. This shot is commonly used near the beginning of the film and is a very important part of any movie.

High angle shot

In this photo I used a high angle shot so that I could see from a birds eye view. This angle is good for if you want to get a photo of a large space from above. Also, it enables you to see everyone in the group as a pose to just the people standing in front of you.

Wide shot


In this shot I wanted to take a picture of everyone all together so I used a wide shot. You use a wide shot when capturing a photo of large groups of people. This is because it enables you to do just that. An example of when to use this shot is in a class photo because in order to get the whole class in the photo, you would have to use a wide angled shot.

Low angle shot


The reason why people use a low angle shot in movies can sometimes be to make the characters look taller and more intimidating, but can also be in because they want to see something above them. For example, I wanted to see the sun coming through the trees so I took a low angle photo and it turned out great.

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