Swift playgrounds

For these last few month me and the rest of my cohort have been experimenting with this new app called swift playgrounds. In this app, you get to learn how to code in the form of a game. There is a little character named bite and you use different functions and commands to help him complete tasks. This game is very fun and if you get the chance to download it, you definitely should. I have completed many of the levels and think that the app isn’t just a game, but a fun way to learn a basic skill that can be useful to you throughout your whole life. In the process of completing the many levels, I have learned that every thing can be broken down in to basic code. For example, the hustle (a dancer rom the 70’s that our teachers made us learn). The code for the hustle mite go a little bit like this, StepForwardWithRightFoot( ) StepForwardWithLeftFoot( ) StepForwardWithRightFoot( ) StepForwardWithLeftFoot( ) ClapHands( ) ext. in class, we had to write multiple reflections of our thoughts of swift playgrounds. My reflections consisted mostly of my experience of the firs few levels of code and how easy and basic it was. My thoughts have changed only slightly on the topic, meaning that I used to think that the levels were easy to just zip through and now I have to spend a bit more time figuring out how to complete the level. Some examples of this are in the pictures below.


These are some photos of the latest level of code that I have completed using the knowledge that I have learned throughout using swift playgrounds. I also have a video that shows the rial and error that I had to go through, as well as the effort and knowledge that was gained in the process of completing this level.

At the beginning of this level, I had many problems, but in the end I fixed the bugs in my code and came to victory.

This post shows why I love swift playgrounds. Click on the link to check it out!Swift playgrounds

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