What is Google’s Year in Search and why should you care?

What is Google’s year in search and why should we care?

Google made a heart felt video about the year of 2016. It contained pictures and short video clips that showed many of the big events that happened this year, such as the American Olympics, the election, and Trudeau at the pride parade 🏳️‍🌈.

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Although many things that were featured in this video were commonly know, some of them were things that I didn’t even recognize before watching the video. An example of this, was on April 8th, 2016 when the space X falcon drone ship was the first to successfully land. I had no idea that this even happened! In addition, another big event that I hadn’t heard about before was that the Cubs baseball team had won the world championships this year. It’s great to finally be caught up on current events!
Although there were many cool and heart warming things shown in this video, it also featured some weird trends that occurred throughout the year of 2016. An example of this was the bottle flip. The bottle flip is when you flip a bottle in the air and try to land it upright. It became a trend and then people everywhere were doing it constantly, trying to land the bottle over and over.

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This wasn’t the only weird trend! Another weird one that was displayed in Google’s 2016 video was “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen”. This weird song was about combining apples with pens and getting an apple pen, combining a pineapple with a pen and getting a pineapple pen, then combining those two pens and getting a pen pineapple apple pen. I don’t know why something so pointless could end up being the next big trend of 2016. At least now that it is 2017, we can move on and leave our bottle flips and fruit pens behind us! Thank god for the new year.



I loved Google’s 2016 Year in Search video, but I think that if I were to make my own video to wrap up everything that happened in 2016, I would included a few more key things. The Dab is one of those trends that goes viral and never goes away. It all started in 2016 and I am hoping that it never comes back!


All in all, Google’s video was great and we should care, because it shows us that through all the terrible and weird things that have happened this year, we still have the good things to pull us through.

Swift playgrounds

For these last few month me and the rest of my cohort have been experimenting with this new app called swift playgrounds. In this app, you get to learn how to code in the form of a game. There is a little character named bite and you use different functions and commands to help him complete tasks. This game is very fun and if you get the chance to download it, you definitely should. I have completed many of the levels and think that the app isn’t just a game, but a fun way to learn a basic skill that can be useful to you throughout your whole life. In the process of completing the many levels, I have learned that every thing can be broken down in to basic code. For example, the hustle (a dancer rom the 70’s that our teachers made us learn). The code for the hustle mite go a little bit like this, StepForwardWithRightFoot( ) StepForwardWithLeftFoot( ) StepForwardWithRightFoot( ) StepForwardWithLeftFoot( ) ClapHands( ) ext. in class, we had to write multiple reflections of our thoughts of swift playgrounds. My reflections consisted mostly of my experience of the firs few levels of code and how easy and basic it was. My thoughts have changed only slightly on the topic, meaning that I used to think that the levels were easy to just zip through and now I have to spend a bit more time figuring out how to complete the level. Some examples of this are in the pictures below.


These are some photos of the latest level of code that I have completed using the knowledge that I have learned throughout using swift playgrounds. I also have a video that shows the rial and error that I had to go through, as well as the effort and knowledge that was gained in the process of completing this level.

At the beginning of this level, I had many problems, but in the end I fixed the bugs in my code and came to victory.

This post shows why I love swift playgrounds. Click on the link to check it out!Swift playgrounds


designAd draft 4d0d561ca-3881-44ff-9ac6-b1accf0d1962Ad drafts 1,2,3,4

This is my tourist advertisement, it advertises the deepcove marina. When making this ad, I first had to go to the deep cove marina and take pictures of it to put in the ad. Of all the photos that I took, this one fit the best of all of them. This is because of not only the beautiful scenery in the background, but the cute dog that I can use to my advantage and catch the eye of any doggy lovers that happen to see it. Once I got the photo I then had to think about editing it, so I  used a cool filter to make the colours bolder and more vibrant. After the editing process, I looked at the text. It is important to really pay attention when adding text and there are many things you need to take into consideration, like the font, size, placement, colour, and the boldness or brightness of it. With all of these things in mind, I chose a font and colour that I liked and inserted it in to my ad. With all of this, I  was finally done my first ad draft but this was only the beginning. Once I was done, I then had to showcase my ad to my piers and let them critique it. Some of the comments that I got were to fix the background photo, ad more info, and to re position the text. The suggestions were really helpful but I also had people comment on things that they liked, for example, the text colour, slogan and dog in the background. I personally think that the critique made me feel like branching out and setting new standards of what I can achieve in my work as well as showing me my strength and the areas of study where I thrive the most.

img_0575Ad draft 26fbc956a-c2f3-4ced-9cbb-3015b4af15ecad drafts 1,2,3,4

This is my business advertisement, it is advertising a company called A.C. civil contracting ltd that my dad works at. with this ad I had to first create a list of questions that I would use to interview someone who works there(my dad). Some of these questions are as follows, who is the owner of the company, what is your slogan, what do you do their, and what is your logo. After recording my results, I started to make the ad itself. When creating this ad, I was unable to capture a picture of the contracting facility, so I decided to take a simple background photo of my wooden coffee table instead. After I edited it as best I could, i then added in the slogan, logo, the date of when it was founded, the owner, name of the business, and a few extra pictures to top it off. With all of the info that got put in, I had to choose a font for the text to make the ad look good and easy to read. With this I also needed to choose a colour suitable for the ad and a size of the letters. Once I did this I was basically done my first draft and it was ready for critiquing. Some of the comments that I got were that it was a little bit busy and to ad more info. Also, some of the things that they liked were the slogan, the font, and the simplicity of the background photo. These comments made me feel proud of my work and reminded me that there is always room to improve.

designAd draft 2a53204f1-7b77-47f2-9633-4b6ea6ca5ce2Ad drafts 1,2,3

This is my advocacy/disaster advertisement, it is advertising an earthquake kit called the quake kit backpack. When I was making this ad, i got my quake kit backpack and placed the content out in a neat pattern, then took a picture of it for the background of my ad. Once I added a cool filter and brightened up the photo a bit, I then proceeded to ad the text. I made the text black and chose a cool font then added a little slogan and a logo as well as the product name. Once this draft was done, I let people critique it. Some of the comments said are as follows, change the position of the text, and add some more information. Also people liked the background picture, the slogan and the filter of my ad. I always enjoy the critique and it makes me happy to see the things that people liked and to see some of their ideas on how to make my work better.


some of the apps used to create my ads are listed in the links below.


Photoshop mix

Photoshop fix


Camera angles

In this asighnment I was asked to take pictures with my PLP class using the many different camera angles that I learned about. In the pictures below I have labeled the different angles and talked a little bit about each one.

Medium shot


When using a medium shot you can see more detail and can sometimes be able to pick out the main characters from the rest. Also, in most medium shots you only see the characters from the shoulders up. In this photo that I took, you can see an example of this.

Close up shot

In this picture I used a close up shot because I wanted to capture a detailed picture of this tiny flower. In movies, they sometimes use a close up shot to show the emotion or reaction of a character in extreme detail. They would also use a close up shot when looking closely at an object during a film.

Establishing shot

The establishing shot is used to establish the setting of a film. In this picture, the setting is in myrtle park. I know that because the establishing shot is a photo of Myrtle park. This shot is commonly used near the beginning of the film and is a very important part of any movie.

High angle shot

In this photo I used a high angle shot so that I could see from a birds eye view. This angle is good for if you want to get a photo of a large space from above. Also, it enables you to see everyone in the group as a pose to just the people standing in front of you.

Wide shot


In this shot I wanted to take a picture of everyone all together so I used a wide shot. You use a wide shot when capturing a photo of large groups of people. This is because it enables you to do just that. An example of when to use this shot is in a class photo because in order to get the whole class in the photo, you would have to use a wide angled shot.

Low angle shot


The reason why people use a low angle shot in movies can sometimes be to make the characters look taller and more intimidating, but can also be in because they want to see something above them. For example, I wanted to see the sun coming through the trees so I took a low angle photo and it turned out great.