So you might already know but I am in PLP (performance learning program). In PLP there is one class that is a combination of math and science: scimatics. In scimatics we just had to write a book about tectonic plates. I learned lots of things including what they are, how they move and why we know about them.
All this is very great except that I didn’t know all this when I started. So I had to learn! In class we did a lot of reading textbooks and now I know some more. I asked some questions in a mind map at the start of this project and now I am going to answer them with my new knowledge.
Just click on the link above to view the mind map.
Some Core Competencies and how I used them:
“Evaluating: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence.” I think I used this one by doing research, and then trying to find how this is possible. I think that I could improve on this skill a little in the next project by trying to find more evidence and facts that was necessary.
“Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest.” I think I used this competency by finding something that interested me- volcanos, how and why they explode- and then writing a book about them. I think I improved a bit on this competency and that I did a really good job showing this competency and I am proud of my work and learning.
“Applying and innovating: Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches.” I read my book to my buddies and I think I did a good job helping them understand it. I asked them some questions at the end and they understood most of the things I said in the book.