That’s right, sewing, quilts and making up superheroes. Sounds pretty fun right? The third part was awesome, first two not so much. Making the superhero with my group was really fun and super hard at the same time. The actual hero or in my groups case, heroine, was easy. It was the story on how she became a heroine was the hard part. The first part to the project was to create a civilization:
After we created our civilization of Aztecs on planet Gliese 581, it was time to create our heroine that would represent the Aztecmese. Her name is Lisa and one night she had a dream that in 25 years, the sun would explode destroying planet earth. At first she didn’t believe it but it kept reoccurring that after awhile she decided to start thinking about a way to escape planet earth before the sun goes kaboom. She then finds out about a planet that has water and is stable enough to have life on it.
The process afterwards was to finally put all of our ideas onto a story board.
This was our very last draft, and trust me, there was a lot of criticism from Willemse and Hughes. We were sent back to edit our story, add more detail and apparently we had like 20 spelling mistakes. And this critique went on for what seemed like forever! But I’m pretty sure it was only 3 days. Once we finally fixed those, we thought the project was over. PSYCHE! WE STILL HAD TO MAKE A QUILT!! We had to decide which portion of the story we wanted represent with each quilt square. I chose the very first part where she has her first vision. Then the rest of my group schose there’s.
The hardest part about this project was probably trying to represent the story in one quilt square and it really showed me how much time really has to go into these big, multi-step projects. That is something I’ll carry with me the rest of my life. However, the other thing I took away from this project is now I know I’ll never be a quilt sewer. I stab myself with the needle too much.
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