An Average Post About a Winter Exhibition

Hello, and welcome back to my blog, today we’re going to talk about our most recent event, the PLP Winter Exhibition. This event was pretty big because we were finally able to host it inside again. Unfortunately there was no food or drinks though.

The driving question this time was “How can we create a public memory of past wrongs so they are not repeated today?” This question mentions a “public memory” which refers to the circulation of recollections of members of a certain community as defined by Matthew Houdek and Kendall R. Phillips. In our case, the public memory is a memorial, which would refer to a place or structure created to commemorate or remember a significant event. During this project, we learned about 3 different events in Vancouver’s history where some form of discrimination occurred.

The first being the Komagata Maru, and event in history where the Canadian government issued a law called the Continuous journey act causing all sorts of trouble with a certain ship in Vancouver’s port.

The specifics on the event of the Komagata Maru can be found here, in my post about it.

The second event we learned about was the Chinese Oppression in BC. We focused most from the construction of the railways to the Second World War.

And last but certainly not least was the Japanese internment in BC during WWII. This was the topic of my groups project for the exhibition.

For each of these different events we went on a field trip to various areas to get first hand experience in memorials and culture of the affected groups. This way of learning really helped me personally because it gave me a personal connection to each of the events that not only helped me remember some information on each one, but also helped me understand what made a successful memorial because I could take on the role as spectator. For example I found the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen gardens where you went to new areas often to be an much more enjoyable experience than the first half of the Nikkei Cultural centre where it was almost exclusively writing on the wall.

The Winter Exhibition. Oh boy. This was an experience. Now the way I’m talking about it might make it sound terrible, but it really wasn’t all that bad. We had the room arranged so each group got a 6th of the room’s space. We had a corner halfway through the visitors journey. During the exhibition I noticed that our text based way of explaining our project only worked for a handful of people.

Our project was on the Japanese internment during WWII, we decided to make a statue that reflected a shadow onto a large wall at night, signifying the large part of life the Japanese Canadian parents had to keep in the shadows, hidden from their children so they could live a happy life.

This was the statue we made. It doesn’t specifically depict anything, except for a hard working Japanese Canadian. To my group it looked like a farmer or a soldier but it could look like something completely different to you. But the thing they most all have in common is that they work hard and push through tough times.

Earlier I mentioned that out text based descriptions didn’t really work for most people. This is probably because they weren’t interested or they figured it wasn’t important. We tried to circumvent this problem during the exhibition with some improv changes to our pitch where we would tell the visitor that the may not have to read the first 2 paragraphs because we were placed after the other Japanese Internment group. We explained it by saying the other group likely other already explained the content. This is the kind of place we needed to use our teamwork skills. This is because not only did we have to make changes midway through our exhibition we also needed to make sure everyone knew what they were going to say. Another part of the teamwork part we didn’t do too well was communicating outside of school. We were using an iMessage group chat to message each other about the project but most of the time it went unused and we failed to communicate some extra ideas that may have made the final cut.


Now this exhibition may have seemed pretty laid back so far, but the was a vote going on between each team from each event. Now in my group I don’t think we were too concerned with the votes, and I think it was better that way. But the results of the voting were clearly biased, but when the votes were counted we found that probably about 60% of the ballots all voted for the first option from each category. This is probably something like what this article is talking about. Now I can still hold my pride high and say that we would have won it if not for the poorly designed ballots I think that we could have presented our project a lot better. I think the biggest culprit of our democratic failure was our large amounts of text. If we had spent some more time refining the paragraphs and making them look slightly less intimidating then filled in the blanks ourselves when the visitor asked a question we could have had many more votes.


If I were to pitch this to a city hall or propose it as a real monument I would most likely not change much about our pitch. I’m proud of the way we explained the metaphoric value of the shadow and the interpretations of the mysterious figure at the same time and think it might even have a chance of being a real thing. But I don’t think thats going to happen. I have better things to do with my life like binging series upon series on Netflix.

To give credit where credit is due, this was my group, unfortunately I didn’t come up with this whole thing myself, and I owe it to my team members: Sophia, Josh, and last (and maybe least? Just kidding) Nate.

Finally, we come full circle and I get to answer the driving question. “How can we create a public memory of past wrongs so they are not repeated today?” And I think that the best answer I can give to that is to choose the right event for the job. You will always want to take something local, or something the people you need or want to affect will all associate with. It gives them the kind of sense that they have experienced it or if they have a distant relative that experienced the event they will care more or be more interested in general.


Thanks for coming along with me on my extra long rant today, peace


An Average Post About the Komagata Maru

Hello, and welcome to my first post on our newest project, “Ology of Apology”. This project focuses on the Canadian Government’s injustices towards minorities. This post will focus on a more specific event though. The Komagata Maru.

The Story

Passengers of the Komagata Maru
Image: City of Vancouver Archives/James Luke Quiney fonds/AM1584-: CVA 7-127

The Komagata Maru is a story of injustice, and a story of bravery, testing the limits of the law. The story starts in Hong Kong, where a wealthy Sikh man name Gurdit Singh came into possession of a boat named the Komagata Maru. 150 Punjabi passengers boarded the ship in Hong Kong, all Punjabis. But this wasn’t enough yet. The ship travelled through Japan and picked up 226 more passengers.

Passengers aboard the Komagata Maru
Image: James Luke Quiney fonds/City of Vancouver Archives/AM 15984-:CVA 7-122.

The ship then began its 2 month journey into Canadian waters. Although Gurdit Singh and the passengers were aware that Canada had been turning away south Asian immigrants for almost 5 years, they thought that being British subjects would be enough to be allowed admittance. This was not the case. Only 20 passengers (and a few special cases) were allowed onto solid ground due to the fact that they were returning residents and could prove it. The other 350 some passengers were kept on the boat for 2 months with food or water supply all while the local police were harassing them hoping to get them to leave by their own volition.

People coming to watch the conflict between the law and the Komagata Maru
Image: City of Vancouver Archives/James Luke Quiney fonds/AM1584-:CVA 7-129.

The Punjabi people on land did their best to get food and water to the ship while raising money to bring the issue to court. They raised an incredible sum of money and hired lawyers to take the case to court. The court later ruled that the ship had broken the continuous journey act and the ship began its journey back to India. The ship stopped in Japan where approximately 20 passengers got off of the ship. The ship then arrived in the port of Budge Budge in India, where some distrusting police members got into a scuffle with the passengers resulting in the death of 20 passengers.

This is a brick that was used to fight against the police officials trying to force the Komagata Maru to leave

Source: Museum of Vancouver

The Apology

in 2008, Stephen Harper made a public apology to around 8,000 people in a local event in Surrey, BC. The Sikh community thought that this apology was half hearted and demanded it be said on the floor of the House of Commons, which didn’t happen until 2016, when Justin Trudeau made the decision to apologize in the House of Commons as the Punjabi community asked.

This is the stage where Justin Trudeau gave his formal apology

Recent events such as residential schools are getting the same sort of apology in an attempt to make things write and move forward as a society. These sorts of apologies are important because they allow the general public to be educated or just acknowledge the events and it shows the remorse and responsibility the government is taking on because of it. It also allows the community affected to observe this and forgive.

The Conclusion

This event isn’t just some random thing from history class. This event is even significant to our lives today! This is because of the effect that it had on the way it has functioned as an example for discrimination and how we have pushed against systemic racism evident by the great variety of people now living in Canada. But overall, I think the most important part of this whole story to remember are the people that took the journey knowing it may not work out, eventually leading to the society we live in today.


Thanks for reading this post on the Komagata Maru, and I hope you look out for my next posts on the other racial injustices in Canada!

Signing off.

An average post about Canadian politics

Hello, and welcome to this post on our latest project, “Think You Can do Better?”. This project was about taking on the role of a political party in the Canadian federal election and creating the basis for a campaign. My party was comprised of Jordan, Jonathan, Liam, and myself.

Here you can see our campaign video, detailing our intentions and plans.

The video above was the final product of the project.

The HPC (Hippopotamus Party of Canada)

You can read more about our party and our ideas here, on my post detailing the party if you want to read more. Our party believed the current inflated housing market in populated areas, as well as our ever-growing national debt to be problems that need fixing before they get even more out of hand. Our reasoning for the housing crisis is self explanatory. This is seen in our campaign video with a decent sized Vancouver home costing as much as $2,000,000. Thats a lot of money! The debt crisis is more of a controversial topic. The main reason people will denote national debt is because they believe government to function almost indifferently under debt or not. And they are partially right. The big issue with that though is the large hit the country will take if another event like the pandemic occurs, because the debt a country holds directly affects the amount of monetary support or budget the country can afford to spend attempting to recover, as well as the large interest rates. These interest rates can be observed here.

How should we govern ourselves?

This project had a very difficult driving question; “How should we govern ourselves?”. This question is particularly hard to answer because the answer will change depending on who your asking and what values and experiences they have. For me, I think that the best political system is one in which every different problem and angle on those problems is presented and heard. One such system, known as proportional reprentation (here is a great in-depth explanation from Fair Vote Canada). Proportional representation is a system where seats in government are spread throughout parties based on percentage of votes, for example, if a party were to get 15% of Canadian votes, they would get 15% of seats in the House of Commons. This means that the large percentage of Canadian’s who don’t vote on the grounds that their vote doesn’t matter, would lose their excuse.


Overall, I think that this project put me into a new perspective on politics and showed me that the ideal system I have been talking about is very difficult to implement due to how the current system works. And I also think that despite advocating for such a this as an individual, as a party it is disadvantageous to have proportional representation due to the fact that there will almost never be a majority government. On the work side of things here, I think that our campaign video was very successful, even though we were missing some shots due to poor weather and tight time constraints. During this project I’m sure I could have made use of my new Zettelkasten to make my work easier on me, and I hope that I can do that in the future.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk, and I hope you’ll join me later for more!

An average post about a press release

Hello and welcome to my second post about our “Think You Can Do Better?” Project. This post is going to focus on our parties press release and answer some important questions about our classes parties. Our party is called the Hippopotamus Party of Canada my parties members were Jordan, Liam, and Jonathan. We chose this name because of our party’s representative, Haben the hippopotamus from the Greater Vancouver Zoo. One of our parties focuses is to pay off our national debt to free our future generations and increase our countries wiggle room during a large scale event such as a pandemic. Here is an article about our neighbours, America’s national debt.

We insist to employ our people’s social, poltical and environmental ideologies in order to develop society and its future. We are a group of people who best understand Canada’s economic issues. We understand that Canada's economy has been falling off ever since the 2015 election. Our Values: Justice – We push for a free future in which those who should be punished, be punished and those who should be rewarded, be rewarded. Prosperity – We want to have a successful economy as we believe any working nation is fundamentally driven by a good economy. Integrity – We will follow through with our promises and do our best to be up front with all of our plans. We support a market with low restrictions on the international trade environment. We will cut ties with British Monarchy and become a democratic republic. We stand for the reinforcement of our economy and plan to push back against the COVID crisis through lowering taxes and creation of safe job oppurtunties through our new systems. We plan to implement flat tax (same percentage for everyone) for persons making a gross income of more than $25,000 a year. We plan to support lower cost homes with new 3d printed homes/different technologies. We promise to flatten taxes for our citizens to support the growth of our citizens wealth. We want to fix our laws in order prevent slow court cases. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Priorities: Housing affordability Working with businesses and introducing new technologies Minimizing and paying off national debt

Why should you choose us?

Unlike others, We promise to focus on eradicting national debt in order to create a free future for nations. The Hippopotamus Party of Canada truly strives for the betterment of our economy as we believe, currently, Candian standard of living will improve. Besides national debt, our next main priorty will be fixing the housing crisis which has not been achieved by any other party and difference between us and them, is that we will use our resources to devolp new technolgies to decrease the pricing of housing. Here is a list containing some technologies that can help build the housing market.

How does this relate to the federal election?

This is relevant to the recent federal election because we believe that there are current issues that the country is facing, but the current parties have overlooked entirely, more specifically our current national deficit of almost 1.2 trillion dollars. You can find the current number here. We are also concerned about our current housing market. The prices are rising all over Canada, and this issue is ever present in Vancouver. You can read more about this issue here. These issues have been largely ignored by most parties and not heavily addressed by any. This is why we believe, as citizens of this country, that these are the more important issues at the moment, requiring much more attention.

Thank you for coming and reading about our political party, and I hope this has raised some more awareness to these important issues.


An average post about the Government of Canada

Hello, and welcome to another post. This is the first post of my grade 10 year! What a milestone. This post will contain some opinions that you might not agree with, so watch out, and don’t get too mad.

This post will focus around the Canadian federal election that happened just a few days ago. And how the Canadian government is structured.


This election was not like a normal October election. You see, normally elections are held every 4 years in October, but there’s more to it. The current Prime Minister of the country can call an election at any time during their term. We can only guess at what our current Prime Minister, Justin Treaudau’s motive was, but it was most likely an attempt to attain a majority government (if so, it didn’t work). A majority government is when a single party hold more than half of the seats in the House of Commons where there is a seat for each and every riding in Canada.

These are the current seats as of writing this post. image from CBC News

Our election system is called “first past the post”. This means that, as seen above, our leader is determined by the amount of seats their party got. To acquire a seat, a party must get the highest amount of votes in a riding. A riding is an area where certain candidates from each party run a campaign to attract the attention of voters (voters must be over the age of 18). The candidate with the most votes in the riding is elected and get one seat in the House of Commons. Personally, I believe that while our country may be functional as a government, it has failed as a representation of all of our people’s views. This is because of a flaw in which a party could amass hundreds of thousands of votes over different ridings and not en up with a single seat. This is explained well in a video by CBC News titled “What would parliament look like with proportional representation?”


As seen in CBC’s video above proportional representation is a system in which seats are given to parties relative to the percentage of votes they got across the whole country. Using this system, a majority government is likely never going to happen, but the views of all parties will be shared more equally. This system is likely not going to be implemented soon or ever, even thought it is a much better representation of what the people want from their government, because the leaders of the country benefit more form the current system. This means that while this may be a flaw to us people who want our views to be shared, it is an integral part of, at the moment, the LBC’s (Liberal Party of Canada) position of power. This will most likely not change in the future, and the Liberal and Conservative parties will likely stay predominant in the next few elections.

Here’s a chart I made with the data collected at CBC News’ Federal Election Results site.

As you can see with the chart, with proportional representation, the seats are much more spread out between the different parties. While this might make decision making slightly harder in the House of Commons, it guarantees that all parties views will at least be pitched as ideas. The only problem with this is that for this system to be fully implemented, it requires the current leading party’s support, which is unlikely to happen due to the fact that the current system favours those who can get just slightly more votes in certain ridings as opposed to the new system that favours those who get more votes altogether.


Thanks for coming to my TED Talk and I hope you enjoyed seeing a little through my eyes on this topic. Until next time.


An Average Post About WWI

Hello, and welcome back to my blog. Today I will be telling you about my learning in our most recent project, The Great War Exhibit. This project was focused around an artifact that we chose at the start of the project. I chose trench art, for the simple reason of not knowing what’s it was at the time. Little did i know, it was pretty amazing.

Trench art was and still is important. Trench art is made, and has been made in wars all over the world. This includes the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and both World Wars (and hopefully not a third one). Trench art is important because of what it represents, and what it does for the people that make it. First of all, trench warfare was brutal (you can play a game to learn more here). There was no clean water (you would have had to boil it to make it drinkable), no way to clean your lice infested clothing, and a lot of terrifying experiences. The soldiers would spend most of their day waiting for the next attack from the enemy or awaiting new orders. This lead to the soldiers spending large amounts of time in their terrible living conditions, doing basically nothing. Soldiers began to get creative. There were many pastimes in the trenches, and one of the more pronounced ones was trench art. Trench art symbolizes the drive and spirit of the soldiers and what they were so determined to get through.

This is the example the Canadian War Museum gave us as an artifact.

Trench art came in many forms, and they ranged from boxes with punched in writing on it, to beautiful designs such as the one on the artillery casing seen above.

At the start of the project we also researched a soldier from the Canadian archives. My soldier’s name was Edward McFeely whose information can be found here. We looked through our soldier’s information and crafted a story with as much truth to it as possible. For this we had to figure out where they fought, how and if they died, and many other personal facts. This was a very challenging assignment especially because we had to read so much old cursive. This story was supposed to help Canadians understand the historical significance of our soldier and artifact.

Here is the final product of my story. The video!


This video demonstrates the competencies “establish historical significance” and “using resources” because of the extensive research done into the purpose, meaning, symbolism, and achievements of the soldier and artifact used to create the video. I think that the importance of that ties into the driving question for the project, “How might we use artifacts and film to show the significance of WWI”. I think that the answer to the driving question is the same as the examples of the competencies mentioned earlier. This is because the video itself is the answer to he question. We can use artifacts and film to show the significance of WWI by creating an informative video that shows the experiences soldiers had in the trenches and explaining why they mattered.

The next example I would like to share with you is the mini-museum that we hosted as a class in our school library.

This is a picture of me at my station with the trench art!

A short version of this event was streamed and recorded on instagram, which can be viewed here on the Seycove Secondary instagram page. This was a big event, where classes from the school would come through our exhibit and learn about each of our artifacts. This gave us a great opportunity to share what we had learned up until that point in the project. The competency “global collaborator” was a big part of this event because of how we had to take the perspective of someone who knew nothing and explain the artifact fro the ground up. During my presentation, I gave a very similar explanation to the one I put at the top of the post.

Overall, I think that his project was a huge success, and helped us better understand WWI and the parts of it that aren’t easily accessible.

I hope that you enjoyed reading through this post about my learning.

Thanks for stopping by!


An Average Post About Revolutions

Hello, and welcome back to my blog. This post will contain all that I have learned from our most recent project in this chaotic year, “Storm the Barricades!”. I hope you enjoy this post, and be sure to check out my teammates blogs as they are covering their perspective on this project (check them out here Ryder, Sophia, and Jakub.

This is the man himself, Crane Brinton.

This project was based off of the theory of revolution by Crane Brinton. His theory was, in short, that a revolution is like a disease with a high fever. Similarly to our bodies after a fever, we return to a state very similar to what our body looked like before. Brinton theorized that revolutions were the same, and not only that, but that revolutions had a formula to them. It went like this, an economic crisis, political weakness, intellectual opposition, and or class antagonism will be the lead causes of the revolution. These causes lead to the “Phase 2” of the revolution. This means the beginning of the end. Here, the economy will crash and burn, the people will start to take action into their own hands, and begin leading movements against the current regime. The old regime is overthrown, and the new one, ruled by moderates, will emerge. This is normally short lived though, because the radical people begin to take control of the country, which can even lead to wars. This is called the reign of terror. It is called this because the radicals normally rule thought force and fear. As the reign of terror burns to the end of its wick, the moderates once again attain control, and the rough and bumpy road to recovery begins. As this happens, nationalism arises, and for a short while, the people are hotheaded and may start wars to prove that they are the most powerful country. Soon after though, the revolution ends very close to where it began, only changing the society enough to realize that something had happened.

Anyway, enough about the theory of revolution, and onto the reflection. In this project we learned a lot about video skills and the ability to tell a story through film. In my opinion, this was one of the hardest projects we have been given yet. And I think that even though our group didn’t do perfect, this was our FAIL (First Attempt In Learning), and I think that opportunity makes way for even more learning. In the duration of this project we made a lot of mistakes and a lot of corrections, but to make it that much better the second time, you need to realize what really went wrong the first time. For example, in my groups video, the audio’s volume seems to fluctuate which is an issue regarding not watching it back enough ourselves, this could simply be solved by posing as a viewer and watching it back to see what keep you engaged and what puts you off. Another issue we faced was with the pace of the video, we didn’t think about it much until the final product, but our video was just too slow paced and not super interested to someone who for example, just clicked on the video because it looked interesting.

(Yes I know the beginning is a little funky)

Now onto assessing the competencies.

Creative Communicator: This competency is based on your ability to communicate your thoughts and messages through a creative means. I think that in our final product, we showed this competency by using a variety of tools to create the video that had our full message.

Establishing Historical Significance: This competency is about, well, establishing historical significance. This competency was showed in our project when we made our video. During this time, we had to decide what to include and what not to. To create an educating video we had to choose the most important events relevant to what we were trying to say with our message.

Analyze Cause and Consequence: Here, we take a look at the domino effect of sorts. I call it this because the cause of something creates the consequence which might subsequently become the cause for another event and so on and so forth. I think that I showed this in an individual assignment called “an outstanding paragraph” this is because we analyzed the causes and consequences of actions and problems during the French Revolution.

Designing Texts: This competency assesses how you planned and executed your video while considering the purpose, audience, and the message of the film. I think that we definitely could have improved on this in many ways, but the main one being the audience. While making the film we didn’t consider how much the audience would want to keep watching.

Discussing, Listening, and Speaking: This competency looks at how you shared your opinion in a respectful and constructive way within your group. At the beginning of our project, my group members kept coming up with a bunch of ideas that could never realistically be demonstrated with the time and materials that we had. I recognized it and did my best to get the group to think of the “how” side of things when pitching an idea. I think this demonstrates this competency because of the constructive manner that I showed when putting my group back on track.

Thanks so much for reading this far and I hope you’ll stick around for the next project!

An average post about New France

Hello, and welcome to my final humanities blog post until grade 9. In this project, we looked at New France, and how artifacts can tell stories through time.

Milestone 1: In this milestone we chose an object that could, in 100 years represent this pandemic and physical distancing. I chose a pillow from my room because it represents a large aspect of home and we know we’ll be here for a while.

This is the pillow I chose

Milestone 2: In milestone 2, we created our story’s main character. My character took a lot of thought, especially in the story itself.

Here’s the card I created to tell you about my character.

Milestone 3: In the last milestone I explained my character, now I get to explain the artifact that will appear in my story. My artifact is not an arrowhead that actually exists but one to represent what they were at the time of New France.

This is my artifact (ignore the cringe name)

Milestone 4: This was the first draft of our story. I wont show it here because I want you to red the whole thing in milestone 5.

Milestone 5: Now, you probably already know, but this is my story. You can read it by clicking the PDF below

Competency time!

Communicate: this competency was focused on sharing ideas with various media. I think that the story is the main exhibit of this but overall this whole project has shown this skill and I think that I have done pretty well at it.

Us evidence from various sources: This competency was about making sure all of your information is true. Although the stories our class created relied heavily on creativity, we have used real information regarding the artifacts and other aspects of this project. I think that I have fact checked all of the information there was on First Nations arrowhead to make sure that all of it was true.


Thanks for reading this far! Until next year!

An average post about TPOLs

Hello and welcome to my post about my first TPOL experience. In this post I’m going to reflect on my learning throughout this past year. Into the post! It may not be the best, but I’m trying my best here!

Overall, I’m pretty proud of what I’ve done this year regarding school. Sometimes things went well, and sometimes they didn’t, but hey, thats how life is sometimes. And I dealt with it. One of the latter times was a project we did at the beginning of the year. It was a humanities project called “The Media is the Message”. I wont go too in-depth here because I talked about it in my mPOL post which you can find HERE. But overall I think that this project was a failure to begin with, but I learned from the failure and tried again until I got it right, and for the successful things, I’m proud of my work was a scimatics project called “Chemistry Coding” this was a project where we used Scratch to create a game that demonstrated chemical reactions in a fun way. You can learn more about that HERE. I think that I learned some great strategies for concentrating and getting things done.

This year I’ve had some great times, but I think that maker is a great example of this. Something very unique to maker is that every project we do incurs a whole lot of creativity. A great example of this is DI (blog posts here (Regionals) and (“Provincials”)). As awkward as DI is for us in the beginning, once we get the imaginary ball rolling we don’t stop for a while. I think that thats very important because creativity can be a huge tool with many things. There are great examples of this like high school students becoming famous through an invention or such. I’d like to build on my creativity more next year and maybe make some fun projects too, I’m looking forward to it!

This year, I’ve procrastinated a lot, and online school definitely isn’t helping. So I’d like to make it a goal of mine to try and minimize the amount of late work I hand in from now on. I hope I can get it to almost none in grade 9!


Overall, I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished over the past year and I think that, although it wasn’t the greatest, it was mine, and thats good enough for me. Until next year’s tPOL!

One last thing. I’d like to thank the teachers of PLP so much for making all of this possible. You’ve put us through a lot, but we know its all for our learning.


An average post about the Renaissance

Hey again! In this post I will be talking about the Renaissance! Our most recent project in humanities was all based off of the renaissance (or at least most of it was).

I hope you enjoy this post!


Our task for Milestone One was to create a mind map with the seven branches of worldview; geography, time, beliefs, society, economy, knowledge, and values, then, make branches off of those to show how our worldview has changed during the transition fro elementary school to high school.

Here’s my mind node!

Milestone two:  here’s another milestone not related the renaissance. In this milestone we altered the lyrics to the song “It’s the end of the world as we know it” by R.E.M. to make our own little “parody” however, we were asked to make the song entered around ourselves and to try to make them as closely related to the transition from elementary to high school.

This is the first part of my song’s lyrics

And here’s the second part!

Milestone 3: In this part of our project we finally recorded our final song. Just kidding! Anyway, we recorded our vocals over the instrumental version in GarageBand on our iPads. This was new, but fun and I enjoyed the experience of learning to use a new program. Unfortunately I can’t share my individual song with you but I will share the group one I promise!


Milestone 4: this milestone was a little write up about a certain subject from the Renaissance. I chose the emergence of humanism. I thought that this was important because it shaped the entirety of modern science.

Part 1

Part 2

Milestone 5: this was the group song that we created by combining all 3 of our member’s songs. You can check it out HERE although I’m not sure what happened when uploading it to YouTube as it seems to have cut 70% of the song out. I’m not sure what happened when the video was uploaded but I can try to get it fixed. I hope I can so you can hear the full song!

Now that we’ve reached the end of the milestones, its time to talk about the curricular competencies!

Create: this competency is about showing the skills you use to create anything really. I think that I have shown lots of skills throughout this project; many of which were used in the song and many others in the writing and note taking parts as well. Although I didn’t fully complete this project I still think that I did a good job by creating song lyrics which were true to myself and showed a point of view in a somewhat comedic way.

Cause and Consequence: this competency is all about, well, finding the cause of an event, then finding the consequences of said event. I think that I have showed this pretty well because I have recognized and shown the consequences and such for large scale historic events like the emergence of humanism especially in the time of the Renaissance.

Now that we’ve reached the end of the post I’d just like to say that this was definitely not my BEST work as I did miss a lot of school during this and my entire group definitely could have done with a lot more effort put into this project. In other words, I hope I can do better on my next project!

Thanks for reading this far! Until next time!