An Average Post About Nationalism

Hello and welcome to my latest and greatest blog post! This post is about a project that we did in humanities/maker and it was called “A Case for a Nation”. This project was focused on nationalism and it’s effects on people, places, or the world in general.

To kick off this post, lets talk driving questions. The driving question this time was “How can an understanding of nationalism help us understand today?”. This question was pretty broad and has a lot of ways to answer it, and I can finally answer it! But that has to wait until later. Can’t give away the whole post so easily!

The first example of learning I want to show would be something that I have only recently done. This would be our milestone 9 (yes there were 10 milestones in this project!). This was an explainer video to compile all of our learning on nationalism so far. I think that this was a very important milestone for on of the competencies for this project, Designing Texts. This competency was based on our video skills and our planning skills. I think that this video was the best example of this competency that I have shown for this project. I also think that this milestone showed a lot about another competency, Using Resources/Use Evidence from various sources. This competency was mainly based on our sources and the information we squeezed out of them. This milestone showed this competency the most because it was a cumulation of all of our videos that came before it. You can find all of the sources within the description of the video! Coincidentally, this milestone also is the biggest and most obvious example of another competency, Identify Continuity and Change. The objective of this competency in this project is to assess your ability to how lives, conditions, and most importantly, nationalism have changed over time. I think that this milestone is the best example of this because I compared the nationalism from 1860-70 to nationalism now, and identified the things that changed between them. The last important thing that I think I got form this video were the video skills from completing 6 videos! I learned a lot about the process of film making and editing during the duration of this project, and although I may not think it to be very useful at the moment, it is an important skill to have for the future.

If you want to watch my video, I have attached it below.

Check out the planning process here!

The next example of learning I would like to share is my second video, this being an animatic showing the nationalism that was present during the unification of Germany during the 1860s this video was the starting line of sorts for this project. This was where it felt like it really started and where the learning would start to happen. This video was, in my opinion, the hardest of them all. Despite that, I think that this was the best example of our last competency, Empowered learner. This competency is about growing your thoughts and views through the construction of knowledge. I think that this milestone is the best example of that not only because of the research that went into the milestone but because we made all of the visuals ourselves. I think that this aspect of the milestone is important because your thinking process and opinions reflect off of the images you create and use. Now that I’ve recognized the good I did in this milestone, I think its time to think about what I could do better if I were to make another animatic. To be honest, I rushed with this milestone and could have done a lot better, firstly, I definitely could’ve added a voiceover to make the story flow better and the scenes would be appropriate length. another thing I would fix would be the captions. the captions that I used were not very effective. This is because they were hard to follow and and the story didn’t make enough sense. Overall, if I were to this again I would need to think about the audience and their perspective more.

Here’s the animatic if you want to watch it

Check out the planning process here!

Now I would like to share another piece of my learning. This is another video, but yet again, in a different format. This time, I teach you how to bake a Canadian confederation cake. Yum! I think that this milestone was another great example of Designing Texts and Empowered Learner. This is because of the creativity and scripting process. I think that there was a lot of directions you could’ve taken this video with such a broad objective. I think that I showed these two competencies in this video by expressing my views on Canadian confederation through an entertaining baking tutorial. There were a few mistakes here and there though and I think the main one would be my word choice for “beat indigenous villages”. This was a mistake as I did not think it through too much as I thought it would be alright because I used eggs as the metaphor. This was a large oversight on my part and although it was a mistake I can learn from it as to not make the same or similar mistakes again.

Here’s the tutorial is you want to watch it

You can check out the planning process here!
This project was a long one, but almost all of it was important learning. I learned a lot of video skills from this project and I hope that I can showcase them in yet another project looking forward.

Until next time.

An Average Post About Frankenstuffies

Hello, and welcome to the final blog post of 2020. This year was really crazy and really showed us something we’ve never seen before. An entire country of stupid people! And also this whole global pandemic thing but that wasn’t that big right? Anyway, onto the reflection!

This project started out incredibly weird, and I think everyone in the class can say the same. When we started, we were told to bring in some stuffier we wanted to destroy. And we would soon learn why.

In this project we wrote a made a mutated stuffed animal, designed our stuffy’s personality, wrote a short story, cut down the story to fit a short film, designed the film and its shots, and made the film. All of these assignments called upon a new skill. But they all had one thing in common. Storytelling.

This is a picture of my frankenstuffie. It is a combination of a pink whale, a rat, and a frog.

Throughout this project I learned a lot about writing, storytelling, formatting, and the forms writing can take on and I think that this ties into our two text competencies, designing text and comprehending text. I showed a lot of my learning about understanding and creating a text in milestone two, one that I am personally proud of (and not just because of the grade I got on it). I demonstrated my skills by using engaging descriptions of the surroundings and items in the story, as well as taking the point of view of the reader to make the text engaging from their perspective.

This was when short story I wrote about my frankenstuffie. Unfortunately the formatting didn’t come with the story so I apologize if it is a little hard to read.

Brad was bedridden in his family’s home. His condition had worsened. Brad had nearly been given up on. His sister was the only one pushing for them to help him. Brad’s parents thought of one solution. To bring him to town to look for someone to help. They carried him into the city and hoped someone was here, but they only found a crazed old man, claiming to be able to help. All that he asked of the family is that they trust that it was the only way to guarantee his health after the fact. “He may not look the same as when you last saw him, knowing this, are you still willing to do this?” The old man asked Brad’s parents reluctantly agreed, trusting the old man at his shaky words alone… Brad woke up. He was in a bedroom, but not that of his old, worn one. The room he had just woken up in was much larger and had fancy patterns dotted across the walls, with a glass chandelier in the shape of diamonds, and his bed had curtains. After he had taken in the new room, he remembered the old man’s words. “This must be his house! I didn’t think that old fart was rich.” Brad thought to himself. It was only then that he realized. His body felt… different. He looked down at his hands, only to see that they weren’t his own. These weren’t the hands of a farm rat, they were the hands of a frog! He looked frantically around the room, and caught sight of a mirror. He walked up to it slowly, noticing that his feet at least felt the same. He gazed into the mirror fearfully, waiting to see that he had been transformed into a monster. However, the only differences he saw were his arms and his… head. HIS HEAD WAS FROM A WHALE! Brad stormed out of the room in search of the man who had done this. When he left the bedroom, he was met with a great hall. He walked slowly, aimlessly trying to find where he was going. He entered a dining room of sorts and found the man eating. “Oh, you’re awake, Well? What do you think?” The old man asked with an exited tone. Brad was furious, “How could you do this to me?!” “This was the only way for you to have survived. You had fallen ill because the flesh in your brain was in the beginning stages of infection. And you better count your lucky stars because I happened to have those hybrid parts laying around.” Said the old man looking pleased with himself. “Well, what’s with these hands then?” Brad was confused. “Oh, those old things, your arms looked frail and weak, so I gave you new ones. They are stronger, faster, and more precise than your old paws.” “Well I suppose it’s good that I’m up to good health again. I should go back to my family’s farm.” “Very well, I do hope you can use the extra brainpower I gave you with that head of yours.” And so the old man had one of his well fitted servants escort Brad back to his home. He knocked on the door, but right before he could see it open, he woke up. He had been living the same dream of his childhood for over a year now, and was wondering what the cause could be, but no matter, because there was still much work to do on the farm. Three years later, his parents finally decided that was the last straw. He had been neglecting his job to make some stupid useless invention with the scraps he found around the farm. “It came to me in a dream!” He would say, but his parents wouldn’t listen. He was kicked out of his home with only the clothes on his back, exiled from the family he held so dear. He quickly found a job as blacksmith’s assistant and got enough money to afford bits and parts for his preferred career, inventor. This was the career he could make his dreams come true literally. Brad had been using his new hands and head for years now, and understood the advantages he was given. He had stopped having dreams of new inventions as of late, and was unable to make anything fun or useful anymore. But he had an idea. One that could end his unmotivated, and unproductive times. He still had the prototypes of all of his inventions and can still remember the dreams clearly, thanks to the old man from some years ago. He wondered what became of him. But that was for another time, he looked through his inventions, and found parts he thought would be interesting to put together. At first he remembered an old children’s toy, a string with cups on either end. He decided he would do everything he could to improve it. Weeks were spent in the workshop with little to no sleep, all from his motivation to create something of his own. Two long months later, he emerged from his workshop, contraption in hand. It was a weird machine, like a small horn attached to a wooden plate with coiled wires coming from the closed end of the horn. When he went to sell it in his battered storefront, he had made two. A wealthy man approached the invention. “What is this curious contraption?” Asked the wealthy man. “This, sir, is my newest invention, the telephone.” Brad answered “Well, what does it do?” “It converts the sound put into it into an electric current, which is sent to the other telephone and recreated using the signal provided.” Brad explained proudly. “Hmmm. A curious device indeed. Shall I test it out?” “Sure!” The men took a few steps back, and Brad spoke into the bell of the telephone. “Hello, can you hear me?” Brad was hopeful. “Oh yes! Very impressive, I shall take them both, and expect more customers, this is a very useful machine!” The wealthy man said as he left with the pair of telephones. As Brad made more in his workshop, he thought about his new machine and its future as a product. Maybe in the distant future, this could be used without the wires, and maybe even commonplace. He wanted to revolutionize the communication between people. But little did he know yet. He already had. As the days flew by, he began to see more customers asking for his device. But he suddenly remembered his family, barely making ends meet in their farm. Brad turned down the pricey offers for the machine and he went to where his parent’s large farm once stood, but it was no longer home to any animals, only a few withering crops and a small cottage. He knocked on the door. Just like that dream he had once forgotten, but this time the door opened, and he was greeted by his sister. “Where are mother and father?” Brad asked, he felt a lump forming in his throat even before she could say anything,. Tears staring to form in his eyes, but he held them back, hoping to appear strong in front of his sister. “They passed on only a year after you left for the city,” She said with tears forming in her eyes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.” “How could you be? They kicked you out.” “Well, thats actually why I’m here. I sold one of my most recent inventions to a wealthy man and have lots of money to improve our lives. I thought that they might take me back, I guess that’s just not possible anymore,” Brad was beginning to cry. All he wanted his whole life alone was to have his parents accept him. His sister was there for him this time though. “Could I move back in here with you? I can’t leave again knowing you’re the only one left. All I need is a small workshop outside.” Brad offered, hoping she would accept him once again. “It would certainly make it less lonely here.” She had given her answer. “I have a dream…” Brad said thoughtfully. He was going to make long distance communication instant.

Another skill that I used in this project was video making. I definitely have room to improve on this, and I think that that is evident in milestone six, showing the competency creative communicator. This milestone was not my best work, but I think that because of this I can look at what I did well and not so well to improve on my skills even more.

One more thing that I learned was how establish historical significance and analyze cause and consequence. This is a skill that can be used when looking at past events to see why it was important or what it affected in the long run. Although I don’t think there was mush to demonstrate this skill in this project, looking at the industrial revolution how we did in our revolution notes helped me understand why and how we decide what is important to learn and where the consequences of those events lead.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my learning throughout the last project.

Until next time.

An Average Post About Revolutions

Hello, and welcome back to my blog. This post will contain all that I have learned from our most recent project in this chaotic year, “Storm the Barricades!”. I hope you enjoy this post, and be sure to check out my teammates blogs as they are covering their perspective on this project (check them out here Ryder, Sophia, and Jakub.

This is the man himself, Crane Brinton.

This project was based off of the theory of revolution by Crane Brinton. His theory was, in short, that a revolution is like a disease with a high fever. Similarly to our bodies after a fever, we return to a state very similar to what our body looked like before. Brinton theorized that revolutions were the same, and not only that, but that revolutions had a formula to them. It went like this, an economic crisis, political weakness, intellectual opposition, and or class antagonism will be the lead causes of the revolution. These causes lead to the “Phase 2” of the revolution. This means the beginning of the end. Here, the economy will crash and burn, the people will start to take action into their own hands, and begin leading movements against the current regime. The old regime is overthrown, and the new one, ruled by moderates, will emerge. This is normally short lived though, because the radical people begin to take control of the country, which can even lead to wars. This is called the reign of terror. It is called this because the radicals normally rule thought force and fear. As the reign of terror burns to the end of its wick, the moderates once again attain control, and the rough and bumpy road to recovery begins. As this happens, nationalism arises, and for a short while, the people are hotheaded and may start wars to prove that they are the most powerful country. Soon after though, the revolution ends very close to where it began, only changing the society enough to realize that something had happened.

Anyway, enough about the theory of revolution, and onto the reflection. In this project we learned a lot about video skills and the ability to tell a story through film. In my opinion, this was one of the hardest projects we have been given yet. And I think that even though our group didn’t do perfect, this was our FAIL (First Attempt In Learning), and I think that opportunity makes way for even more learning. In the duration of this project we made a lot of mistakes and a lot of corrections, but to make it that much better the second time, you need to realize what really went wrong the first time. For example, in my groups video, the audio’s volume seems to fluctuate which is an issue regarding not watching it back enough ourselves, this could simply be solved by posing as a viewer and watching it back to see what keep you engaged and what puts you off. Another issue we faced was with the pace of the video, we didn’t think about it much until the final product, but our video was just too slow paced and not super interested to someone who for example, just clicked on the video because it looked interesting.

(Yes I know the beginning is a little funky)

Now onto assessing the competencies.

Creative Communicator: This competency is based on your ability to communicate your thoughts and messages through a creative means. I think that in our final product, we showed this competency by using a variety of tools to create the video that had our full message.

Establishing Historical Significance: This competency is about, well, establishing historical significance. This competency was showed in our project when we made our video. During this time, we had to decide what to include and what not to. To create an educating video we had to choose the most important events relevant to what we were trying to say with our message.

Analyze Cause and Consequence: Here, we take a look at the domino effect of sorts. I call it this because the cause of something creates the consequence which might subsequently become the cause for another event and so on and so forth. I think that I showed this in an individual assignment called “an outstanding paragraph” this is because we analyzed the causes and consequences of actions and problems during the French Revolution.

Designing Texts: This competency assesses how you planned and executed your video while considering the purpose, audience, and the message of the film. I think that we definitely could have improved on this in many ways, but the main one being the audience. While making the film we didn’t consider how much the audience would want to keep watching.

Discussing, Listening, and Speaking: This competency looks at how you shared your opinion in a respectful and constructive way within your group. At the beginning of our project, my group members kept coming up with a bunch of ideas that could never realistically be demonstrated with the time and materials that we had. I recognized it and did my best to get the group to think of the “how” side of things when pitching an idea. I think this demonstrates this competency because of the constructive manner that I showed when putting my group back on track.

Thanks so much for reading this far and I hope you’ll stick around for the next project!

An Average Post About Remaking Film

Hello! And welcome to my first blog post of grade 9!! In this post I will be covering what I learned and accomplished over the past 4 days (yes, believe it or not, this project was completed in less that 4 days). I hope you enjoy!! Also, please check out my group member’s blogs here!
NyaRaymond, and Dries!!


To kick off this project, we made an introduction video for ourselves. Personally, I don’t think I made a great video to meet the criteria. I think this because I didn’t fully grasp the purpose of the assignment and never asked someone to clarify what I didn’t understand.
I think that the overall purpose of this first milestone was to show us what video skills we would need to fully recreate the short film and help us improve on them at the same time.

The next thing I want to talk about is milestone 3. This one was important because it was the first draft of our recreation of the short horror film “RUN!”. This was the crash course that would allow us to properly create a second draft that could actually be compared to the original. For my group’s, the timing was off, the sound effects didn’t match volume and timing, we weren’t wearing the right colours, and we were even missing some camera angles! However, having all this FAILure (First Attempt In Learning) let us identify those mistakes and fix them in our second draft.
Unfortunately we didn’t upload the first draft to youtube so there’s no way to embed it here (thank goodness) so you can watch the original to compare it to my groups final video later.

Now, onto the bread and butter!! The final milestone of this project… The final draft of our recreation! After the first draft flopped, we looked at all that went wrong and right, and lets be honest, there was next to nothing done right. But we recognized that and decided to use our newfound skills to start over and make it much better! And so we reassigned our character roles and I became the main actor 😅. We found a new area to film our scenes, and thought out our whole thing on a wider scale. This time, we knew we needed as close a costume as possible, so we used masking tape on my grey sweater to add the striped seen in the original. We even made sure there was a small know on our log to slightly obstruct my hand! Overall, the second draft was miles better than the first (with a few mistakes nonetheless), and I’m certain that that’s the way it should have been. There’s not much else to say, so lets watch our “RUN!”!

Now its time for the competencies or should I say competency

Innovative Designer: this competency is based on how you made your solution to the problem or process. I think that I showed proficiency at this competency by collaborating on a (mostly) successful product through the use of trial and error and teamwork.

i hope you enjoyed the first blog post of my grade 9 year!!

until next time!

An average post about a weird exhibition

So far, 2020 has been a train wreck. And we need to keep on moving despite that, and this was one of things that came from that.

Spring Exhibition 2020

This exhibition was different, there’s no question there. And for a while, there was no ideas for how to make the exhibition happen. Then, we started using Zoom for online classes and began learning all the great features it has. Anyway, onto the explanation of my groups project/s

When we were told that the exhibition would be held on zoom, we were all confused. But we didn’t have to worry too much, because our amazing teachers were there for us! They had a plan set up and if we got stuck on something they gave us some ideas to kick start our brains.

Anyway we were given a choice of the 14 UN’s sustainability goals. Although my group was focused on water (goals 6 and 14) my project was more about goal 12. Goal 12 was about responsible consumption.

My project idea was a more sustainable shower head to reduce water waste. My product was designed for most people around the world who I’ve in areas with accessible fresh water who want to be more sustainable with no extra effort on their part. Just put on the shower head and your saving water!

Here’s a rough idea of what the product would look like.

Our preparations for the exhibition were all over the place. We were struggling at the beginning for inspiration then we thought of some small ideas for the presentation of our projects and they just kept rolling out. We decided on having a short quiz in which we would ask questions regarding the specific problems we were addressing with our products. But before that, we needed an introduction, and what better way to start off a presentation about water than swimming onto camera! We had an intro to the problems with the sustainability goals our group worked on and an outro saying some things you can do to help the issues yourself.


I hope that you reading this will take steps in the future or already are taking steps to prevent ocean pollution, water waste, and sanitization issues around the world. Until next year!


An average post about New France

Hello, and welcome to my final humanities blog post until grade 9. In this project, we looked at New France, and how artifacts can tell stories through time.

Milestone 1: In this milestone we chose an object that could, in 100 years represent this pandemic and physical distancing. I chose a pillow from my room because it represents a large aspect of home and we know we’ll be here for a while.

This is the pillow I chose

Milestone 2: In milestone 2, we created our story’s main character. My character took a lot of thought, especially in the story itself.

Here’s the card I created to tell you about my character.

Milestone 3: In the last milestone I explained my character, now I get to explain the artifact that will appear in my story. My artifact is not an arrowhead that actually exists but one to represent what they were at the time of New France.

This is my artifact (ignore the cringe name)

Milestone 4: This was the first draft of our story. I wont show it here because I want you to red the whole thing in milestone 5.

Milestone 5: Now, you probably already know, but this is my story. You can read it by clicking the PDF below

Competency time!

Communicate: this competency was focused on sharing ideas with various media. I think that the story is the main exhibit of this but overall this whole project has shown this skill and I think that I have done pretty well at it.

Us evidence from various sources: This competency was about making sure all of your information is true. Although the stories our class created relied heavily on creativity, we have used real information regarding the artifacts and other aspects of this project. I think that I have fact checked all of the information there was on First Nations arrowhead to make sure that all of it was true.


Thanks for reading this far! Until next year!

An average post about road trips

Hello, and welcome to my post about our latest scimatics project: The Ultimate Road Trip! This project was about designing a road trip and calculating its cost with a budget of $10,000.


Milestone 1: This milestone was a bit different than other scimatics project because it wasn’t the usual mind map. This milestone was the choice of car and its cost. I chose a Tesla Model X for $271 a day.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2 was just some generic math practice. Nothing more to say about it really

Milestone 3: Milestone 3 was a quiz to ensure that we learned what we needed from the previous milestone.

Milestone 4: This was our final cost and a spreadsheet with the math to calculate it. We needed to calculate daily and one time expenses.

This was my budget chart. I added some snacks for the drive.

Milestone 5: In milestone 5, we made the equation to calculate total cost, a map of the route we were taking, and a graph of the costs per day.

My equation was y=721x+4612 (y is total cost, and x represents days past.)

This was the route I was to take. I went from london all the way to Rome!

And here is my graph. The number on the bottom is days past, and on the side is cost.

Competency time!!

Reasoning and Analyzing: This competency is about making sure that all of your estimates were reasonable. I think that I did pretty good at this one and didn’t make too many estimates or assumptions in the first place.

Connecting and Reflecting: This competency was focused on seeing that we have connected math to whatever we’ve done on the road trip. I think that I showed this in my budget chart and that that’s a good example.

Communicating and Representing: This competency was based on showing equations with concrete evidence behind me. I think that I showed this in the budget chart and graph.


Thanks for reading my newest blog post! Bye!!

An average post about TPOLs

Hello and welcome to my post about my first TPOL experience. In this post I’m going to reflect on my learning throughout this past year. Into the post! It may not be the best, but I’m trying my best here!

Overall, I’m pretty proud of what I’ve done this year regarding school. Sometimes things went well, and sometimes they didn’t, but hey, thats how life is sometimes. And I dealt with it. One of the latter times was a project we did at the beginning of the year. It was a humanities project called “The Media is the Message”. I wont go too in-depth here because I talked about it in my mPOL post which you can find HERE. But overall I think that this project was a failure to begin with, but I learned from the failure and tried again until I got it right, and for the successful things, I’m proud of my work was a scimatics project called “Chemistry Coding” this was a project where we used Scratch to create a game that demonstrated chemical reactions in a fun way. You can learn more about that HERE. I think that I learned some great strategies for concentrating and getting things done.

This year I’ve had some great times, but I think that maker is a great example of this. Something very unique to maker is that every project we do incurs a whole lot of creativity. A great example of this is DI (blog posts here (Regionals) and (“Provincials”)). As awkward as DI is for us in the beginning, once we get the imaginary ball rolling we don’t stop for a while. I think that thats very important because creativity can be a huge tool with many things. There are great examples of this like high school students becoming famous through an invention or such. I’d like to build on my creativity more next year and maybe make some fun projects too, I’m looking forward to it!

This year, I’ve procrastinated a lot, and online school definitely isn’t helping. So I’d like to make it a goal of mine to try and minimize the amount of late work I hand in from now on. I hope I can get it to almost none in grade 9!


Overall, I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished over the past year and I think that, although it wasn’t the greatest, it was mine, and thats good enough for me. Until next year’s tPOL!

One last thing. I’d like to thank the teachers of PLP so much for making all of this possible. You’ve put us through a lot, but we know its all for our learning.


An average post about photos

This is a post about our most recent maker project. It was called witness to history, and was about showing an aspect of our current lives with photos. I’ll be skimming over most of this project because it was all mostly focused on the product itself.

Milestones 1-4: these milestones were all to get us ready to take our photo essay, for example milestone 4, the storyboard. This was meant to be a rough idea of where the and how the photos and their respective angles would be.

Here’s my storyboard (sorry for the messy writing)

Now for the real photo essay. This was where all the work we’ve done so far went to.

Be an empowered learner: this competency is based on using technology to further your understanding of your learning. I think that I showed this by using the technology I was given to make a product I am proud of.
Be an active digital citizen: this competency is very similar to the other one being that it’s related to technology. This one was about connecting to the world with technology. I think that I did this by showing the perspective of a group of people on current events.
Thanks for reading this far! Until next time!

An average post about disease in exploration

Hello everyone! Today ill be telling you all about our most recent project. This one was a “joint” project between scimatics and humanities. Anyway, let’s get into this!

Humanities 1: this will be humanities milestone one. I will be swapping between the two so don’t get confused. This milestone was based off of an animated movie we watched Called Osmosis Jones. We watched the movie, then we would write down the plot of the movie using a storyboard. We would then reflect on how that story was similar to our current situation.

Here was my storyboard and paragraph.


Scimatics 1: As always, we started our new scimatics project with a mind map. This one was about cells and diseases and the questions we had about them.

Here’s my mind map!

Humanities 2: In this milestone, we read some comic books and analyzed them through a pre-made chart. I read a Darth Vader comic as well as a Black Panther comic.

Here’s the chart I made for the Black Panther comic. 

Scimatics 2: This was a particularly fun milestone. Because I got to use a photo editing app! In this milestone we made a wanted poster for the disease that we chose. It was supposed to look just like a real old western wanted poster.

This was my wanted poster!

Humanities 3: In this milestone our driving question for humanities finally came to make sense. it was “what was/is the significance of global exploration”. This was important now because we would finally choose an explorer from around 1400-1600. We also did some research on them and their life.

This is a piece of the research that we did on the explorer that we chose. I chose Juan Ponce de Leon

Scimatics 3: This milestone was simply a test to make sure that we were learning about cells and diseases. It was a khan academy test. Not much else to say.


Milestone 4: No, it’s not a typo, I meant to type milestone 4, this was because this was the beginning of where the two projects came together. This was the storyboard for our own comic book!

This is the first page of the storyboard (it’s pretty long).

Humanities 5: That’s the comic book! This was the product of all the research we’ve done up the this point. Where we put the knowledge we gained from this and put all of it into a comic book based on <explorer> who gets infected by or affected by <disease>.

Juan Ponce de Leon’s Misfortune

Theres the comic! You might have to download it though.





Establish historical significance: This competency is based on defining what is a “feat worth remembering” this is basically saying “what is significant enough to remember”. I think that I highlighted the important pieces of information about Juan Ponce de Leon with my comic book and showed his achievements in an entertaining way.

Connect: This competency was all about understanding how I, and others one



Questioning and Predicting: This competency was focused on being personally interested about the subject at hand. I think that I was, to an extent, doing extra research for my own curiosity.

Scientific Communication: This competency was for communication of how well you show the real scientific interactions using the proper terms. I think that I definitely could have done a better job with adding more scientific interaction and used more scientific language.

Evaluating: This final competency was based off of an understanding and appreciating the evidence given. I think that I have shown this by creating a fun experience to show what my research has yielded.


I hope that you enjoyed my blog post on my latest project!
