An average post about D.I. “Provincials”

With the recent event unfolding, a lot of confusion occurred. This definitely affected everyone immediately, one of those thing affected was D.I.. When D.I. Was cancelled we were definitely wondering what was going to happen from then on. Our teachers decided the show mist go on! No matter the circumstances this was going to happen. With this all happening we had to improvise.

Here was the plan: (please refer to my D.I. Regionals post before you read this post) we would change our entire presentation to help incorporate the online camera aspect. We did this by using the virtual background that zoom provides. We could change the setting easily, and that helped us lots. The only problem that was a large issue was the bridge. In the circumstances we had we had to change lots of the rules. This wasn’t an issue though, because this wasn’t the D.I. tournament we were expecting. Unfortunately I don’t have any images or footage to use because we didn’t think of recording the zoom call. But we changed the story to have us in a sort of competition to create a setting where collaboration in person wasn’t something we required. We did this by having each person making a bridge and our group continuing on with our “three little pigs” vibe. The first bridge was too weak and very light, the second bring too heavy and very strong, and the third being a good balance of light and strong. We tried to use bits and pieces of the children’s story to make our story a little less full of holes.


I hope you enjoyed my reflection on that very new experience! Stay strong!


An average post about designing

Hey! Welcome to another post on my blog! I hope you read all the way to the end of this one too! Enjoy!

This post is based off of our latest project in scimatics; The “Ultimate Design Challenge” this “challenge” was a project where we were to create a 3D design (and print it) in the app Tinkercad™ of course, we were allowed to use other design apps as long as it was possible to find SA (surface area) and V (volume).

Anyway, on to the actual project

Milestone 1: milestone 1 was a chance to think about what we really wanted to design, well what we might design anyway. When I made my “driving question”” as we call it, I thought that I would design a goalie glove for soccer, however, I did end up doing it because it has too many hard calculations.

Milestone 2: this milestone was or once we had decided what we would finally make. I decided to make a wine glass for maximum volume. I chose this one because I thought it would be cool to design something like a cup.

These are the formulas for SA and V for all of the shapes I had at the time

Milestone 3: milestone 3 was the final calculations and measurements for our 3D model. Mine actually had more SA than V which was not my goal.

Here are my final calculations!

Milestone 4: milestone 4 was the final model. We had it sent into our teacher (Mr. Hughes) to be 3D printed at school. Unfortunately for me, my print didn’t work and I had to do without it.

This is a photo of my final model in the app I created it in! Shapr3D!

Milestone 5: milestone 5 was our presentation to the class. This presentation was supposed to include our printed model but only one group had it. My presentation in general was a flop. I didn’t have anything prepared and I think that I can improve on that in the future.


Competency time!

Applying and innovating: this one was based around using your time efficiently and working well. I think that I mostly did this well even though I had some distractions in class.

Reasoning and analyzing: this competency was meant to show how well you can show math in an efficient and convincing way while having it make sense. I think that in my calculations and formulas I showed this well because it shows the numbers in an open are for simplicity.

Communicating and representing: thins competency was pretty simple. It was to show what you know about your calculations and providing proof of them for evidence. Although I didn’t do a good job at this during my presentation, I think that I did have the calculations and formulas in an easy-to-read concept.

until next time!


An average post about D.I. regionals

What is DI? DI is a worldwide school-age competition in which teams present a solution to a challenge. There are six categories you can compete in. My school competed in 5 of the categories, they were Engineering, Scientific, Fine Arts, Technical and Improv. I was a member of the engineering group. Our challenge had us build a bridge out of cards and duct tape to cross a gap and barrier. We also had to make a story which Makes our presentation more interesting. Lastly, we had to make a set piece to help explain where we are in the story. Here is a video which explains the basics of our challenge. 

Now that you know the basics, ill tell you a little about the preparations we did for this challenge.

When we first were told what the challenge was I immediately wanted to do it. I liked the idea of finding the strongest shapes and using them to create something that can carry more than its own weight. Anyway into the team we had a team of four members (thats smaller than most) they were: Kate, Jakub, and Randy. We all have different strengths (obviously) so we tried to make them work together as best as possible. The “main” challenge was, of course, the engineering aspect, therefore it is worth the most points in scoring. When we started we tried to generate as many ideas as possible using little squares of paper we called “idea squares” (original name I know). We were given time in class to work out a sorting system and look through all of the ideas to find out what was useful and what wasn’t. For the next few days we completed idea generation forms and such (but thats not all that interesting). We also researched a bunch of architecturally things like the strongest shapes or strong bridges to make sure we were on the right track!

Now, I will be talking about the actual event. DI was a very intimidating thing at first (at least to me) so I was happy that I got to do my main challenge early on in the day. The hallways were packed with kids from the age of around 8 to maybe even 16. The challenges were split into age groups but we surprisingly weren’t in the high school level because grade 8 is still classified as a middle school age. When our presentation started, we didn’t really know what to expect, but, we managed and got through most of it easily. The only part that came with bad luck was assembling the bridge. Some of the pieces didn’t fit together so we were just sitting there awkwardly trying to fit our bridge together while our 8 minutes ran out (which they inevitably did).

That was ours! We got third!

I think that we could definitely do better preparing for the bridge building sequence for the provincials (which we are) and just overall being more comfortable with acting. I do think that we had some strong point in our presentation too and we will be working together to strengthen those already strong points and make them stand out even more!

Competency time (there’s only one)

Research and Understand: this competency is meant to show how you managed to effectively research and understand that research when looking into the challenge/problem/process. I think that I have shown my understanding of the rules because of the product that I created when I presented (we had no deductions YAY). I also think that this is an essential part of completing a challenge successfully in DI.

I hope you enjoyed reading this reflective post on DI regionals!

Until next time!


An average post about the Renaissance

Hey again! In this post I will be talking about the Renaissance! Our most recent project in humanities was all based off of the renaissance (or at least most of it was).

I hope you enjoy this post!


Our task for Milestone One was to create a mind map with the seven branches of worldview; geography, time, beliefs, society, economy, knowledge, and values, then, make branches off of those to show how our worldview has changed during the transition fro elementary school to high school.

Here’s my mind node!

Milestone two:  here’s another milestone not related the renaissance. In this milestone we altered the lyrics to the song “It’s the end of the world as we know it” by R.E.M. to make our own little “parody” however, we were asked to make the song entered around ourselves and to try to make them as closely related to the transition from elementary to high school.

This is the first part of my song’s lyrics

And here’s the second part!

Milestone 3: In this part of our project we finally recorded our final song. Just kidding! Anyway, we recorded our vocals over the instrumental version in GarageBand on our iPads. This was new, but fun and I enjoyed the experience of learning to use a new program. Unfortunately I can’t share my individual song with you but I will share the group one I promise!


Milestone 4: this milestone was a little write up about a certain subject from the Renaissance. I chose the emergence of humanism. I thought that this was important because it shaped the entirety of modern science.

Part 1

Part 2

Milestone 5: this was the group song that we created by combining all 3 of our member’s songs. You can check it out HERE although I’m not sure what happened when uploading it to YouTube as it seems to have cut 70% of the song out. I’m not sure what happened when the video was uploaded but I can try to get it fixed. I hope I can so you can hear the full song!

Now that we’ve reached the end of the milestones, its time to talk about the curricular competencies!

Create: this competency is about showing the skills you use to create anything really. I think that I have shown lots of skills throughout this project; many of which were used in the song and many others in the writing and note taking parts as well. Although I didn’t fully complete this project I still think that I did a good job by creating song lyrics which were true to myself and showed a point of view in a somewhat comedic way.

Cause and Consequence: this competency is all about, well, finding the cause of an event, then finding the consequences of said event. I think that I have showed this pretty well because I have recognized and shown the consequences and such for large scale historic events like the emergence of humanism especially in the time of the Renaissance.

Now that we’ve reached the end of the post I’d just like to say that this was definitely not my BEST work as I did miss a lot of school during this and my entire group definitely could have done with a lot more effort put into this project. In other words, I hope I can do better on my next project!

Thanks for reading this far! Until next time!

An Average Post About the Dark Ages

Hi! Welcome to the newest edition to my blog. A post about the Middle Ages! Today I will be referring to our “This Changes Everything” project. This project was all about the Middle Ages. We learned about the plague, the crusades and other parts of medieval life. My persona favourite part of this project was when we created our own character for our “medieval life simulation” during this, we created our own character based on the role in society we were given. Is as a monk of the church, this meant, I could read and write but I had almost the same rights as a serf (the lowest point of society at the time). Anyway I’ll mention that all later. So, into the post!


Milestone 1: Before I start to talk about this milestone I think that this project needs some more explanation. When this project was started, we were told that we needed to read a book. This book, being, “The Book of the Lion”. This is a book based around the crusades that occurred in the Middle Ages. The book was historical fiction depicting the life of a man that was nearly executed but instead used as a crusader due to his physical ability. Anyway, now you know about the book so this should be less confusing. In the first milestone we were to create a document showing our strategies and plans for reading the book a steady amount per day. This was a minor milestone but it still had an effect on the way most people read the book.

Milestone 2: This was the milestone that I mentioned during the introduction. This wa my favourite milestone even though I didn’t do as good of a job as I would have liked. I enjoyed this milestone because it allowed for a lot of creativity because you create the personality, background, and feelings of your own character from the Middle Ages.

This was the letter describing my character and his life.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3 was different from the rest of the milestones in this project because it happened over the course of 3 weeks. Each week we had a different role assigned to us. Each role had a different assignment. The first week I was an “artist” and  drew a picture of something that I thought was important. The other two ones were connector and summarizer.

This was my piece of art it is the main character’s horse named Winterstar. (I’m not that good at art)

Milestone 4: In this milestone we were partnered up with a random classmate and worked on researching change and continuity in the Middle Ages. I was paired up with Amy Sheardown (check out her blog HERE) and we got to work on our research document. For our change and continuity our main emphasis were on women’s rights and education (women’s rights=change education=continuity).


Milestone 5: Present. One word. We created a presentation for our class that explained the continuity and change on the subjects that we had chosen in class. As I said in the section about milestone 4, we chose women’s and education. Everyone had great presentations and we showed what we had learned up to that point. I have a video of the presentation too! But you don’t get to see that…….


Curricular competency time!!

Comprehend: this curricular competency is about the strategies you use to learn, read, and just comprehend anything really. I think that I used a lot of strategies that I probably haven’t even noticed because I read a lot and have for a long time, but a strategy that I know I used were to summarize each chapter in a note at the end to help myself understand it better if I needed to come back to that chapter.

Identifying continuity and change: this curricular competency is based of of your ability to make connections from what you read to your life as it is and I think that I am pretty good at this because of the time that I have spent reading and enjoying books that have a main character or plot that I can personally relate to.


Thanks for reading this far into my blog post!

Until next time!


An average post about things that matter

Matter is everywhere, that means that everything matters, right? Well, yes, but only to an extent. Anyway, let’s get back to the blog post. This post is all about our latest project in scimatics class! This project consisted of atomic models, scientific theories, and the creation of our very own game (or matter simulator). Anyway, let’s get right into it. In this post I will be walking you through (and reflecting) on the scimatics project that goes by the name “Chemistry Coding”.


Milestone 1: Just as all of our scimatics projects start, we made a mind map asking questions about our topics and stating what we already know. Mine had questions about the states of matter and plasma.

(unfortunately I cannot show a picture of this because the file has corrupted)

Milestone 2: This milestone was a challenge to determine the density of 3 unnamed gemstones. Later, we found out that they were all the same gemstone…… the tools we had to identify the gemstones with were a scale, a graduated cylinder, and 3 gemstones. Our task was to identify the 3 gemstones by calculating the density of the gemstones using the tools we were given then using google to find gemstones with densities similar to that of the ones we had (None of us guessed the correct gemstone based only on density).

This is my experiment sheet (our teachers name is Mr.Gross)

Milestone 3: Milestone 3 was a detailed image of an atomic model of your choice. I chose the Rutherford model. My two atoms were hydrogen and helium. Later on, I added a fluorine atom but that wasn’t a part of this milestone.

These were my atomic models! The one on the left is helium, and the one on the right is hydrogen.

Milestone 4: this milestone was where we plan out the rest of our project. In this one, I brainstormed all of the ideas that were eventually coded into my game. One of the ideas I came up with was to make “power-ups” of sorts that make the atoms move faster or slower.

Milestone 5: milestone five was the game itself! You can play it HERE. When I was making this I tried to create as many fun components as possible. Some of these we secret buttons that add some fun things if people find them. If you play the game, try pressing the L key. I hope you enjoy my game!


Now, for the curricular competencies.

Questioning and predicting: This competency is about wanting to learn. I think that when I did this project I really tried to enjoy (and succeeded) learning to code and learning the scientific models and theories.

Scientific Communication: This competency is more focused on the product, that meaning that it was about showing what you have learned in a effective and productive manner. I personally think that my product shows this well and proves that the learning that went into it is there.

Reasoning and Analyzing: This competency is focused on the skills used to create your project. It is also focused on how realistic your product was, and personally, I think that I did well on making it as real as possible while keeping it simple and fun.

You can find my game here if you missed it earlier!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

An average post about my mPOL

Hey, For this post I will be talking about my learning and reflecting on the skills I have learned throughout this year. This post will include a reflection on each subject covered in PLP. This includes: Humanities, Scimatics, Maker, and PGP. For each subject I will provide an example of my work ethic, habits, and proficiency.

The first thing I would like to talk about is this question. “What is my learning goal that I want to reach by the end of the school year, and how will I meet it? This is a very tough question that will come up a few times in this post because this is something that will stay with me for the rest of this school year. Anyway, let’s get to the reflecting.

Humanities: this is one of the two classes that we have every day, meaning that I have lots of examples of work habits and such. The example that I chose for humanities was actually part of our first humanities project, this being The Media is the Message (you can find my post about this project HERE). I have chosen milestone 3 as an example of my hard work because it shows that when I get invested into something I can put a lot of hard work and effort into it to be the best it can be.

This is an example of some work in humanities that I went beyond the expected work without even realizing it.

Scimatics: this is the other class that we have every day! Anyway, in this section I will talk about and mention parts about teamwork and evidence of high quality work. For the scimatics portion of this post I want to talk about our Laser Maze (find it HERE) project. This project was based all around dividing work and teamwork when needed. To be honest, I think I took a little too much of this project on by myself, and made it harder than it could have if I had help from my group members. The thing that I am most proud of in this project was actually the final product. The final product of this project was to make a triangle out of lasers in a Star Wars themed ship/object. We made a Venator class republic star destroyer.

This is the “laser maze” my group made. It’s a Venator class star destroyer from the clone wars.

Maker: this class takes up one of our elective spots, for better or worse, I’m not sure yet, but there have been some great experiences with this class. One of those being the subject for this section! A great experience that I am proud of in maker class was part of the “Power of a Pencil” (find that post HERE) project. The part that I want to focus on is the first milestone A.K.A. name art. The reason I chose this piece was because I was so invested that I even decided to take my time and add to the original and send the second version in. I thought that overall that project let my creativity come out a lot and help me make something that represents myself.

This is the final piece of art I made. I’m very proud of this one!

PGP: PGP definitely isn’t a conventional class. Every month or so a PGP meeting is help where we discuss something important. A part of PGP that I haven’t really used as much as I want to is Things. Things is a great time management app that has a bunch of features built in to help you stay on-track. I try to keep up with things as much as possible but a lot of the time I forget to look at it. I’m looking forward to the PGP meetings ahead of me to help me learn new strategies to keep on top of the game!

This is the Things logo!

Now, for the part where I reflect on my work! (Yay)

This first half-school year in high school has been a huge ramp up in terms of work, but I like that I have to work hard to get better at something like this. Of course, with learning comes FAILure the FAIL meaning “First Attempt in Learning” I have had many of those, but of all of them the piece of work that I am least proud of is definitely my first business advertisement. It was a train wreck and I had no idea if it looked good or bad but I think that over this first half-year I have definitely improved and learned that FAILure isn’t necessarily a bad thing. And now, for the final part of this post! A question! One for myself, or whoever’s reading this.
What new strategies can I use to help further my understanding of what I’m learning?

Thanks for reading this far!






An average post about the winter exhibition

Hey again! It’s been a while since I posted but lest get into this explanation! In short the winter exhibition is an event for everyone in PLP to participate in a themed 2 hour showcase of whatever product you created. I made a possible design for a practical lightsaber for every day use (this year was Star Wars themed). To make this product though, we had to go through the L.A.U.N.C.H cycle.


The first thing that you have to do in this cycle isn’t go to the l phase. It’s actually that you have to find a question that you want to answer at the end of this project. My question was “how might we design a practical lightsaber for everyday use?”.

The first phase is L the L means Look, Listen, and Learn. This mean to look into, and learn more about the question that you want to answer, for example if I were to make a lightsaber design (like I did) I would do research on lightsaber designs and find practical ones that could be re-created in real life.


The second phase (A) means “ask tons of questions” in this phase you ask questions about your question or how you might make your product work. On my project I might have asked “how scientifically accurate is the lightsaber?” Or something to that effect.

In the third phase (the U phase) was all about understanding the problem or process. This meant trying to understand your question to the best of your ability and really start thinking about what your product is going to look like.

The fourth phase (N) is the one where you brainstorm a bunch of ideas for a final product and finally choose one. I might have had “investigate why blaster bolts bounce off of lightsabers and if it is scientifically accurate”.

This is an illustration of what happens in this phase

The fifth and second last phase was the C phase. The c phase was where you created your first physical prototype. This was mine!

Here’s a photo of the first prototype that I made in an app called shapr 3D

In the final phase (the H phase) we looked what was wrong and right with our first prototype and fixed the mistakes and improved on the good points. And example of this for me was that my first prototype was very uncomfortable to hold, so, I fixed that.

This is an image of the revised prototype that I created (also in shapr 3D)


Now that I’ve told you about the launch cycle and what I did with it, I can tell you about the exhibition! The exhibition was a great time all around. We got to show everyone there (a few hundred people) what we had created over the past few months. All the students at the exhibition had their own project similar to mine. We were split up in the school into multiple planets. There was Endor Tatooine (the best) the Death Star, and Hoth. I was on Tatooine as you probably already guessed. During the prep week leading up to the exhibition we tried to make our “planet” as much like the actual one in the Star Wars movies As much as possible For example we brought in heaters to make our room hotter (like a desert planet would be).

The day of the the exhibition was definitely the most hectic. We were all over the place trying to make our area look the best it could look. We even brought food! The food at the exhibition was all based off of something from Star Wars. for example I brought in a drink (cream soda) but told everyone it was a drink from Star Wars called bantha-blood-fizz. Overall the experience was great so maybe I wont be as nervous for it next year!

Here are some curricular competencies used in this project

Innovative thinker: this competency is proof of you using many sources to complete and verify your data and product. I think that I used many sources to find the information and tools that I needed to complete this project.

Computational thinker: this competency s all about the strategies you used to learn most effectively. I think that I used lots of strategies some more effective than others but I still used many.

Creative communicator: this final competency was all about showing your creativity in a creative way. I think that I’ve used many ways to show my creativity in this project and am proud of the way it turned out.


This is the last section of this post! Before I go I figured I’d show you my LAUNCH journal. This was something that we did while going through the phases to remember what we did.



Here’s a link to my laser maze project that was also at the winter exhibition [click here]. Byeee!!



An Average Post About Nuclear Development

On August 6th 1945, over 100,000 people died, approximately 80,000 instantly. This was the bombing of Hiroshima using the newly developed nuclear bomb, little boy. The focus of this project was the development of nuclear science (more specifically the Manhattan Project) and its consequences on the world, both good and bad.

During this project we asked ourselves, “How did splitting the atom change the world?” and explored many affects that it has or had on the people of the world and us personally. There were many ways that nuclear advancement has shaped the current world we live in, these being important things we could often think about like healthcare and medicine, or things we might not think about like food production in farming. Many of the important effects that the advancement of nuclear science had on our world are explained in this borderline propaganda movie from 1952.

Throughout this project, we learned about the categories of historical significance from the acronym NAME and applied it to the Manhattan Project and the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima.


This can be explained in this more in-depth video

To get a new perspective on these circumstances and help see them as less of a historical piece and more of a real event, we read the book “Hiroshima” by John Hersey. This book takes you into the perspective of six residents of Hiroshima through the days following the dropping of “Little Boy”

The final product of this project was a speech to be made in front of our class. For many members of our class including me, public speaking isn’t something that we were comfortable with. this added another layer to the learning from this experience, allowing us to begin overcoming some of the fears or difficulties that we face ourselves with. The objective of this speech was to convince the audience that the Manhattan Project was a historically significant event.

Do you think that you could order the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the name of hundreds of thousands of others?

This is the decision that had to be made in the face of power that the Manhattan project contained.

The power to change the world, for better or worse. The Manhattan project caused the deaths of over 200,000 people in the few years after its completion, but prevented possibly even more.

But what does that mean for us in the present time? How did splitting the atom change the world? I will answer this question using our criteria for assessing historical significance.

The first criteria that we use to assess historical significance is “how important it was thought to be at the time” The amount of effort that the US government employed to hide their development of the bombs from the public eye, makes it very clear that even the initial effort, without considering the consequences and outcomes.

It is very clear that it was thought to be of utmost importance at the time. The bombing of Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki were also thought to be important enough to cause the Imperial Japanese regime to surrender, thus leading to our modern age of peace.

The second criteria depends on how many people it affected. While not directly affecting that many people in the beginning, the manhattan project eventually affected at the very least, the people that did the research and the 100-200 thousand deaths from the atomic bombs.

This is quite the significant number of people, especially considering that those are just the deaths that the Manhattan project caused.

The lasting effects of the manhattan project extend much farther, affecting modern medicine, farming, and much more.

The developments funded by the us government for war, unintentionally catapulted our use of radioactive isotopes into the modern era. Thirdly, is how deeply it affected people.

This deep impact can be seen when you look at the families of the Hibakusha, those who were affected by the atomic bomb.

The bombs that were dropped on Japan as a direct consequence of the manhattan project not only killed over a hundred thousand people, but stopped possibly more than that many people from going to ware in the near future afterwards.

The developments to our modern industry have saved many lives, and affected the economy equally as much.

The fourth and fifth criteria reference the events ability to influence people and their beliefs for years afterwards. This criteria is interesting because they regard our lives today.

The manhattan project and its direct consequences have moulded our worlds modern power dynamic. This is because of the seriousness of modern nuclear weapons, and the damage and moral implications that using them would cause.

Today, many believe that using nuclear weapons without purpose is as close to evil as you can get. The sixth and final criteria we use to assess historical significance is whether or not it lead to other important events.

The manhattan project can be directly linked to the Cold War, and many other modern problems or situations regarding nuclear power or weapons.

Overall, the splitting of the atom has changed the world in many fields.

This change has affected most of the world’s people due to the developments in sciences, agriculture and more.

It’s deep, widespread, long lasting, and residual effects on the world and its people, have shown us that war is a strong developing force for humanity; even though war is a terrible thing in and of itself.

Thank you.


This is a video that I found that focusses on nuclear energy

This project has shown us the best and the worst that human beings are capable of, both of which being very significant to the development of the very society that we, and many others live in today. Can you imagine a world where we haven’t advanced nuclear science past the nuclear bomb? what does it look like? I find it very difficult to do so because I know how much of my life relies on the products of nuclear science. Nuclear science has revolutionized our world.

An average post about laser mazes

Hello again! Yes, I have returned… However, the SBC is over all of these posts will be post about my classes! Anyway, lets get right into this post!

This post is about the latest project that my class has completed. It was called mazer tag. To start off this project we did a fun little activity where we hid our target and took turns shooting our teams laser at the target using a laser pointer and a mirror. My team won (of course) and we moved on to the next activity. The first milestone of this project was a mind map with all of the questions and facts we knew about light going into this project.

Here’s an image of the mind map I made!

The second milestone for “Mazer Tag” was a quiz on the Pythagorean theorem. The Pythagorean theorem is an equation that can be done with a right triangle.

Here is an example of the equation.

The third large task we were assigned was a poster for our school’s winter Star Wars themed exhibition celebrating the release of the new movie Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker. In this poster, we had to show the laser maze that we created, along with the formulas to find the third side of the triangle (the hypotenuse).

This was my group’s poster.

The fourth task for this project was to design your laser carrier. When I say carrier I mean the Star Wars object that is meant to house your laser maze.

[insert sketch of laser maze here]


The fifth thing that we created in this project was, of course, the actual “laser maze” here’s a picture!

This is the laser maze my group made. It’s a venator class star destroyer from the clone wars.

The final milestone included writhing this project is the Star Wars exhibition. (That’s the day im writing this post) the exhibition is a fun, exciting event where we decorate our rooms and present our projects. The laser maze happens to be one of those projects this year!


Now I’m going to be talking about my performance according to the curricular competencies.


Communicating and representing: this competency was about showing formulas and math in understandable, and correct forms. I did this by creating a clear, informative, and easy to understand poster explaining the formula regarding the hypotenuse of my laser triangle.


Applying and innovating: this competency was about teamwork. I did well with my team by effectively finding jobs for everyone to do at most times and completing my share of the project on-time.


Questioning and predicting: The last competency for this project was based all off of personal interest towards the target subject. I think that I performed well on this competency by showing that I was truly interested in the subject at hand by doing research not only on the Star Wars aspects but also the math and science part too.


Anyway guys, thanks for reading this far into the post and I will see you guys in the next post! (It might be about the exhibition)
