An average post about reflecting

Hey guys! This is the final post for the SBC 2019! I hope the title didn’t mislead you to thinking about light reflecting… I meant reflecting on all the thing that I’ve done in this year’s SBC.


I’m going to start off with what I thought was the best art of this year’s SBC. I definitely thought that the best part was the music week. I LOVE music. To be perfectly honest, listening to music is one of my favourite things to do! Anyway, onto the next thing. I think that this particular one is kind of important because, well, its regarding the future of My Blog! I’ll be using my blog regularly for the next few years for showing the work I do in school. I don’t know what kind of changes I’ll be making in the next few years but im absolutely sure they’ll be great! Well im happy that I got to participate in all 8 weeks of the challenge this year and I’m sure I’ll be doing it next year too!

During this challenge, I learned a lot of things about blogging as a whole. One of the more important thing that I learned during the SBC was about how people interact and feel when they are on the internet as opposed to real life. The most fun thing that I learned on this wild ride of 8 weeks, was the tools that a blog can give you and the fun times it can bring you.

I also learned how to use HTML!

Now, this is a plan that’s going to explain what im going to be writing about in the next while on my blog after the SBC ends. Ill be publishing reflections on all of the project we do in school (a lot) along with some about off-topic stuff like what im interested in and such. I hope people will continue to visit my blog but to do that ill need to continue to put lots of effort into these post im doing!

Until next time, bye!

I’m glad I got to participate in this year’s SBC!

An average post about holidays

Hey again!

today I’m going to be talking about celebrations and holidays. The first thing that I’m going to share with you is a story of a Christmas Day from 3 years ago.

This story will focus on my dog Lyra. Lyra is an annoying little creature but she is VERY cute and funny. Usually she runs around the house like a maniac with her ball but on Christmas Day she was acting all happy like she was an angel. Of course, we didn’t know why she was acting like the best behaved thing ever but she was. Everyone in my family really believed that this was Christmas miracle. We opened all of the presents (Lyra had hers opened for her) and she didn’t even run around with her new toy. We were all surprised to see that Lyra seemed to somehow know what day it was. On December 26th, of course, she was back to being the annoying little thing that we knew was there.
I know it was a short story but I hope you enjoyed! Now, I’m going to show you a photo that represents Christmas in my family.

As I’m sure for many of you, a Christmas tree is the main symbol for Christmas for you. But for me, this Christmas tree is very special because it is fake. It is special because my entire life I have had a fake Christmas tree. 

I hope you enjoyed my festivity post! See you next time!

An average post about pencil power

This a post about our most recent project. This project was called “The Power of a Pencil” of course, when we say “pencil” we really mean apple pencil.

this project was all about drawing, sketching and all the other similar things. We learned techniques to draw better, we learned about all the tools our iPad can give us to enhance our photos and we learned how to edit photos within photo editing apps.

The first task we were assigned was to make art around our name while including it and making use of many tools. This happens to be one of my favourite! I chose this Color scheme because, well, I don’t really know. It kind of just came to me while I was drawing it. I love how the light and shadows turned out because that was the part I wanted to add the most.

This was the word art I came up with!

The second “Milestone” as we call it, was that we had to make a sketch note page based on this video.

This was the video we sketch noted on! You should try it, it’s great material!

I only chose to add the words and illustrations for words that really stood out to me because adding everything would be way too much work for anyone unless you can pause the video every 2 seconds. Moreover if you did your page would be a mishmash of random words that couldn’t be put into anything structured.

This is my sketch note page!

This third task was one of the most difficult simply, because I am terrible at drawing people. The hardest part of this assignment for me was drawing the lips on myself because they never looked quite right.

This was my self portrait. It’s not perfect (of course) but I did my best and I can be proud of that.


For our fourth task we sketched a bowl of fruit. This one was also very difficult because you had to get the colours and smudging just right or the picture didn’t work.

This was my fruit bowl. Again, not perfect but I’m proud of how it turned out.

The fifth and final task, was to create a logo for our fictional business of our choice. My idea for a cool store was a sort of, off beat/“out there” clothing store. This was the logo I ended up with.

This was the logo for my business; Kenan’s. Pronounce it however you’d like.

And I have one more piece of art that was not included in the milestones. It’s my “final piece”! Anyway, here you go!

This is the final piece of art I made. Actually its more like I improved the first version. But im very proud of this one!


Anyway, that’s it for the work I’ve already done. Now, onto the reflecting part.

How can we use Apple Pencils to enhance our learning?

This is a BIG question and there are so many answers to it I don’t know how to begin. Anyway, I think that one way is we can make precise movements and action on our iPads that otherwise couldn’t be done with a finger. Another is to learn and practice techniques on our iPad that take lots of time and resources when using paper. There area many more great answers to this question and I think they are all great but these two are the ones that really came to me and that I understand the best.

Thanks for reading!


An average post about emojis

This is the week 6 SBC post (WOOHOO!)

To start this post off I’m going to do an emoji math test!

🤡 + 🤡 = 36

🍞 x 🤡 = 54

🍞 + 🍜 = 9

🍜 + 🤡 x 🍞 = ????

if you know the answer to the problem be sure to comment it down below!!

This next one is an emoji guessing game!


Can you guess what movie this is?


How about this one? It’s a sport from a movie!



Now, if you guessed those then good for you! This next, and last section is going to be a piece of art that I made using only emojis.


This is the photo I made! I chose winter because it’s just around the corner and it’s my favourite season!


I hope you enjoyed reading my post!
See you next time!

An average post about media

How does what we read, hear, and see influence us?
This is a great question that requires lots of understanding to answer. That’s why it was the “driving question” for our media/advertising unit named “The Media is the Message”.

This post is the “wrap up” for our project and it is also a reflection to look back on what we learned and apply that to something to show what we have learned.

We started this project with no expectations for what it was going to become. This was a huge surprise when it became something so impactful and important. In the first important activity we did was the dissection of an apple ad titled “welcome home” it is a very abstract and colourful ad. This all had a purpose though. The purpose of the flashy colours and abstract art style was all to create a memorable, fun, smooth ad. The big idea with these concepts was to make consumers remember the ad when in a store or when they are shopping in the electronics department as a whole. In this lesson we had learned that with big companies they wave the air reputation around to age abstract ads like these with “hidden” messages.

In the second important “milestone” as we call them, we performed a “survey”. This was a “survey” for two people. Yourself and a close family member or friend. This ad was supposed to show the impact of advertising on you or others, for example: one question on the survey was “have you recently bought anything solely on advertising?”. This question was there to show that whether or not advertising had a big enough impact on you for you to actually buy something just because it looked good in an ad.

This is the advertising survey. My answers are black and my mom’s are purple.

The third tsk we had to complete was the “persuasion chart”. It was a chart thats purpose was to have you explain what each print advertisement used in terms of techniques to get the reader hooked. This was an interesting project because you chose the ads yourself. This meant that you had to go find them all and perhaps use ones that had an impact on yourself.

This is the “persuasion chart” this was to show how ads persuade you.

The fourth step in this project was an analysis on a book called the highest tide. This was a book that we had been reading throughout his entire project so far. However this was the reflection that had to explain what effect media had on the main character of the book. This was to show our understanding of the message the book was trying to send to you about the effect of media.

This is the cover of The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch

The fifth and sixth task we had to complete were nearly identical. The difference was that one was after the other so that we could use our learning from the first to improve the second. The first of those 2 tasks was an advertisement for a local business. First we interviewed one of their employees for information on what sort of advertisement they were looking for. Next, we would create the advertisement by making drafts. We would get feedback from our classmates on what they all thought was good and what could we improvement. The second version of this assignment was to make an advertisement for a business in Oregon. The only difference between this and the local business were the fact that we got feedback from teachers not students this time.

This is the ad I made for High Life Adventures.

An average post about music

Hey again guys and gals! Today I’m back at it again with the SBC! This week was all about music.

I’m gonna start this week’s post off by telling you about the instrument I play. The instrument I play is………. The saxophone! I’ve played the saxophone since I was in grade 4. I still don’t know hat attracted me to that particular instrument but I know that I had fun even when I wasn’t very good at playing it. Anyway, enough about me, its time to tell you about the saxophone. The saxophone is a very nice sounding instrument if you know what you’re doing. It is one of the most widely known jazz instruments out there. This is because of its iconic ability to play melodies very well in almost any song along with the way the sound blends with other instruments. The saxophone is mostly known for the tenor saxophone which is in the medium to large size range. There are 4 very common types of saxophone, the first being the tenor saxophone, next is the alto saxophone, then, the soprano saxophone which is a very small saxophone. The last common type of saxophone is the baritone saxophone. It is a large instrument, the largest in the saxophone category even, because of the size of the baritone saxophone, the musician has to wear a harness to support the instrument’s heavy weight.

obBilder / Pixabay This is a saxophone! YAY!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my instrument!


In this part of my week 5 post I will be taking a survey. This survey is about your favourite music type! Please comment the type of music you like to listen to, maybe you’ll have the same musical tastes I have and enjoy hip hop/rap music, or maybe you love country music or pop! I wont judge you no matter what you say so, please be honest with your opinion!



This, the final part of this week’s blog post I will be showing you my playlist! Please, take the time to go to every video in here and tell me in the comment section what your favourite song was!


1. NF The Search (Full Album)

I chose those songs simply because I love how they sound and I think that they all convey an important message to those listening.

2. Lil Tecca Ran$om


Again, I chose this song because I think that it sounds great. I don’t think this sing is trying to send a very important message though.


3. Marshmello Happier

This is the final song of my playlist. I chose this song because it really has a great message that it tries its best to tell you when combined with the music video.

Well, with that I am concluding this week’s SBC post! I hope you enjoyed!

Another average post about my Oregon coast field study

Hey again, yes, this is another post about the oregon coast field study that I went on a few weeks ago with my class. This post, however will be more focused on the academic things that we did while in Oregon.

The first day we went to he Astoria column. We learned who made it, what its purpose was, and when it was made. The Astoria column was originally built as a mural of sorts, to show a timeline of when the First Nations were the only ones around to when the pioneers first arrived. Astoria Column

This is a picture of the Astoria column. You can throw wooden airplanes from the top!


On day 2, we went to Fort Stevens State Park. We learned of the forts origins, it’s developments, and how it operated through this years being in commission. Fort Stevens was originally built out of dirt in the civil war as ordered by their president at the time, Abraham Lincoln. There was a quest at Fort Stevens where you had to follow clues to find the quest box (like I said in my previous post, its like geocaching) and put your name in it. Nobody really understood what the quest was trying to say though. Here’s a link for Fort Stevens

This is a “disappearing” cannon. It was given that name because the cannon would only be above the wall for around 1 second because of the way it was built.

On day 3, we visited the Colombia River Maritime Museum. There, we learned of the expeditions sent by boat across the deadly mouth of the Colombia River, also known as the bar of the Colombia River. The bar is so deadly because of the jetties concentrating the waves, and there’s one more thing, imagine your finger pushed onto the tip of a hose, now imagine that the jetties are your finger and the ocean is the hose water, thats why the are is so dangerous. Maritime Museum

This is a fake ship that they have built in the museum that shows it “crossing the bar”.

On day 4, we visited the OSU (Oregon State University) Hatfield Marine Science Center. Here, we learned of whales, their habitat, their behaviour, and their skeleton’s structure. OSU’s website 🙂

This is the whale skeleton that we re-assembled.

On day 5, we re-visited the OSU HMSC and took a lesson on R.O.V.s (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and even built one!

This is a photo of me and my group building the R.O.V. Using the materials we were given.

On day 6, didn’t do anything inherently academic because of the long drive back home, but we had fun at John’s Incredible Pizza Company. Here’s a link to John’s Incredible Pizza Co.

This is a picture of one of the arcade machines in John’s Incredible Pizza Co.

On day 7, (the last day) we visited Northwest Trek. There, we learned of the wildlife, their habitat, and their food presences (and also maybe had a little fun along the way). Northwest Trek’s Website

This is a few beavers that live in Northwest Trek. They’re cute aren’t they?

This section is going to be about the competencies that had to be met in order to have a fun, successful field study.

Persisting: There were many places where I persisted, one being when we were doing questing at Fort Stevens when our group had completely lost where we were supposed to be and the clues weren’t helping. We didn’t give up and we kept going, and didn’t finish but, we didn’t feel defeated at all because we tried our best at the time.

Managing Impulsivity: This competency is all about NOT making impulse decisions. A good example of this for me, is again, the quests. I’m an athletic person, so running ahead of my quest group was something that was very easy to do. Of course, we were supposed to stick together so that we don’t get lost.

Metacognition: You can look up the definition for this one, anyway metacognition is the act of being aware of your own thoughts and actions and their effects on others. I think that I did this well most of the trip. The most prominent part of it were, again, the quests. This was because for your quest group to be successful then you had to be aware how everyone in your group was feeling and base you actions on that.

Questioning and posing problems: This competency is about questioning and being curious you also need to know what information you need and the process to getting that info. A good example for me doing this is when we visited OSU HMSC because I was very invested in learning about what we were learning there and I wanted to learn more about it.

Thinking interdependently: this competency is sowing the ability to work well with others and learn from them at the same time. The best example I have for this is at the OSU HMSC when we built the R.O.V. because this project relied almost all on teamwork. In order to build a well operating R.O.V. you had to share your idea with your group and everyone had to come to agreement to start building.


And finally here’s the link to the workbook that tells it all.

An average post about my Tectonics Book

Hey guys, this is a different kind of post from usual as it is not a post from the SBC. This is a post from my class. It’s about my tectonics book.

These are some of the questions I had at. The beginning of the project along with my answers I found along the way

One of the curricular competencies was having an understanding and appreciation for the evidence gathered about plate tectonics. I think I used this skill to understand and gather much more information than I could have otherwise.

Another curricular competency was to demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic of personal interest. This one is very important because it can tell you whether you actually wanted to learn what this unit had to offer or not. I think that at i was absorbed in the topic at hand and really wanted to make a good tectonics. That in itself required a lot of knowledge about plate tectonics in general.

This was the big idea of the project. “The theory of plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains Earth’s geologic processes.” It think that this is the most a important part of the project simply because it is the thing that we are striving to understand and learn about. I think that i now understand and can mostly explain the theory of plate tectonics in a descriptive way.

The final curricular competency was to contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches. I think that I showed this by making an age-appropriate, fun, easy to understand book that would be good for a grade 4-5 person.

This is my book!

An above average post about an above average Oregon field study

Hi again! This post is very special. Why? you ask because it is a post that i chose to do myself. Also, well, its about my class’s field study in Oregon. So, basically, my wonderful teachers decided to bring our class on the annual Oregon field study. This particular field study has been done every year for the past 10 years (I think). This was the best field trip (by far) that i have ever been on, not just because it lasted a week but because of all of the fun stuff we got to experience with friends. The first step to going on this trip and getting to Oregon as scheduled was meeting up at the school with all of our luggage at 6:00am. However, it wasn’t the worst thing ever because it was on a Saturday so we didn’t have to panic. The drive to Oregon was about 8 hours long and most people fell asleep on the bus at some point in time. The first of the really exciting things happened on the second day. We went zip lining! The place we went zip lining was called “High Life Adventures” and it is located in Warrenton Oregon. Our class was split into 2 “tour” groups, meaning we were separated because we had too many people for one group.

This is me on the zip line at High Life

The second to last line was definitely the best because people got wet and once you finished the line there was a person dressed as Sasquatch waiting to make you jump. The best part about that was definitely seeing people’s reaction to being scared like that. To be honest, that was probably one of the best parts of the trip. on the third day we went to the Tillamook Creamery. The creamery was originally only named after its cheese but the factory is now known for ice cream, yogurt, and other assorted dairy products along with its famous cheese. The special thing about the creamery is that you get to eat as much cheese as you want. I didn’t eat much but some people in the class had a little too much cheese. On day 4 we did an Oregon coast quest. They are a sort of scavenger hunt very similar to geocaching but instead of a map you get hints and clues to find the box. When every quest group had finished the quest (or tried to) we went to the Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center. Yea, it’s a mouthful. At the OSU HMSC we learned about whales and intertidal species in general. We even got to re-assemble a whale skeleton!

This is the whale skeleton that we re-assembled.

Oh yeah, whenever I mention a new day you can assume we spent the night in a state park camping in yurts. On day 5 we returned to the OSU HMSC to learn about R.O.V.s (that means remotely operated vehicle by the way) how they work, what they do, and again, we got to assemble one. My group’s R.O.V. was the best, naturally. Or it might’ve been the pilot (also me). Once we had finished and cleaned up our R.O.V.s our class went to visit Yaquina Head’s outstanding tide pools. Yaquina Head’s beach is special though, its special because it’s a beach made of almost entirely perfectly round magmatic rocks. you weren’t allowed to take even one rock home with you because they cannot be re-made or bought to replace the ones people take.

This is a picture that I took at Yaquina Head.

There was a quest there, too. We packed up, ate dinner and camped yet another night in yurts at a state park. Finally, day 6 had arrived. The last full day of this wonder-filled trip. However, that doesn’t mean that it got dull from then on, day 6 was one of the best there was. Why? You ask. Well its because we went to an arcade/all you can eat buffet called “John’s Incredible Pizza Company” the name doesn’t lie by the way, it really is incredible. They even had rides insides the building! We dove right Into the buffet and soon ate all we could. We were given our play cards and we set off for the arcade. Everyone got 20 credits and each game cost 2-4 credits. I used all of my credits and got 200 tickets, which got me a giant kazoo! The teachers wouldn’t let me use the kazoo on the bus though 🙁. That night, being the last night, we slept in cabins (they were A LOT more deluxe than the yurts) I played around on my iPad a little before I went to sleep though. On the fateful day 7, we went to northwest trek. It’s a wildlife reserve in Washington that has a bus that drives though the “free-range“ area. There were goats, moose, deer, bison, and lots of other animals as well.

This is a goat from Northwest trek.

Overall the bus part was great. But, it got better. After the bus tour was over, we went to the enclosed animals area. In that section they had: wolverine, wolves, bobcats, lynx, bears, and even bald eagles. There was one more part to see though. The animals that needed to be put in small, confined areas, for example, the skunk or the beavers, or the otters. They had more animals there than I can even remember! The sad part, that was the last place we would sightsee/learn/have buckets of fun at. The last place. The Golden Corral, an all-you-can-eat buffet of anywhere from cotton candy to steak. They Even had a chocolate fountain! My favourite part about the GC was definitely the chocolate fountain with strawberries. I mean, who doesn’t like chocolate strawberries? Anyway, this was the final destination of the PLP 8 Oregon Field study. The rest of those 6 hours was spent driving back to our school. When we got there we were exhausted  but our parents were there to drive us home and throw us in the shower then into bed.


I hope you enjoyed this post about my Oregon Coast Field Study!

Bye for now!