Nation Puzzle

We recently wrapped up our latest socials project on confederation and Canadian heritage and I have left it feeling pretty confident. We took a look into the forming of Canada as a nation and how it became what it is today. The main part of this project was the Heritage Minutes that we did. These were based off 1 minute videos made by Historica Canada which are used to inform people of great and influential people or events that were a part of Canadian heritage. We watched many of these and Learned how to make one. We made these heritage minutes in groups of 3 or 4. My group was Alivia Daniel marshal and me.

This project was us researching confederation and Canadian history. We interviewed the chief editor from Historica Canada and learned how to make Heritage Minutes. We learned about John A Macdonald and how he and many others brought the British controlled provinces into one nation and we looked at some short story’s involving Canadian history.

Our groups vidoe was about the battle of St.Eustash. The battle of St. Eustache was a small French resistance hiding out in a church fighting against the British. It wasn’t much of a battle. The British desided to set the church on fire. The French where smoked out and shot when thay left the church.

My role on this story was the general who lead the British attack. I also did a lot of green screen editing. Since we dident have an army of actors I desided to green screen two peaple so that we could copy and pasted to make it look like an army.

We filmed the battle at 3 difrent scenes the filed, one of our houses and a old church. The filming took about 2 or 3 days to do but it worked out well in the end.

What I learned from this unit.

i learn about Canadian history

l learned about residential schools, politics, how country’s are formed, how to tell a story through video, how story’s change how we see the world.

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