Have a nice TRIP. See you next FALL.

I got invited to be on the Illest road trip of all time. It’s an show where you go on a road trip to any location you want but you have a budget of 18,000 dozers and you have to at least spend 17,500. On this trip you get to choose up to 7 peaple to take with you. The show hoasts give you some options for vehicles lodging so that you can price out your road trip quite easily. Let’s get planning.

Step 1: Location

Ok so the first thing we need to do is find out where we should go. We have to start at NYC U.S.A. I choose to go to my house. I know it sounds wired but I’ve never explored the us so I thought a coast to coast drive through the use could be fun.

I went to google maps and started plotting. My trip looked a little like this.

So you might be thing well what is there to see along this trip well I’ll tell you.

The first place I will visit will be Times Square

After that I’ll go to the shicago cloud gate.

and finally I will visit the Seattle Space Needle

Step 2: Math

A big part of the illest road trip of all time is that I have to calculate my spending for the trip to be within 500 Dollars of my 18,000 budget. For lodging, food and bags whe where given a few options.

I desided to travel as luxuriously as possible. So that worked out to be 700$ a day on Lodging and Food plus 300$ for the Baggage.

Now we need to figure out witch car I should use. The show host gave us a selection of these cars.

Science I’m traveling in style I want to use the Lamborghini. The Lamborghini cost 160$ and gets 8/13 mpg so far f gas costs 2.80 a g. So my trip is 5,978 miles long so devided by 13 to get 469 x 2.80 gets you 1,288$ Dolores for gas on the entire trip. So I will be spending 160$ dollars a day plus 1,288$ on gas.

Each days costs me 860$ + 1588 for gas and bags. So if my trip takes 19 days it would cost me 17,928.  I’ve made some graphs to help show my budgeting.


Step 3: Sponsors

So for this road trip three companies offers to sponsor our trip Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Snapple we had to figure out witch one was the best using liner equations. For my trip Pepsi was the best sponsor for this trip becuse in 19 day it would pay me 250 Dollars.

heres the graph that I used to figure out that.


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