I’m D.I-ing to go to provincials

Well, it’s that time of year again. Recently the PLP classes of grade 8, 9 and 10 competed in Destination Imagination and it went ok. It’s a competition where teams are assigned a task and must create a presentation which involves the solution of the task, it is a global event and offers a fun and competitive experience.

This year was my fifth year doing D.I and it went alright, I just think our group could have done better at the competition but overall we did ok. So let me explain what our group did for our challenge this year in di.

I was in the maze craze challenge with Jamie, Emily, Kai, and Lucas. Our group had to make a maze traveler to navigate a maze chosen at random. We needed a prop to transform in the maze and a prop for the maze traveler to extract from the maze. For the transformation prop, Emily built some moving dragon wings that would act as a costume to go with her character. For the prop removal, we had a cardboard apple with a magnet which was to be picked by the maze traveler. The maze traveler itself was an RC car that was able to navigate the maze successfully. In the regional tournament, these all worked really well except we forgot to fully extract the apple from the maze.

I think that we did a really good job in regionals especially as our team pulled a lot of stuff together at the last minute. In the last week, we revised the majority of our stuff and a lot of us weren’t in the best mindset for it. Our team had a few issues regarding decision making and work completion in my opinion. We had a few things that weren’t completed until the last week and we had little time to fully go over our script and performance together. I think that this showed in our performance and it may have hindered us a bit. We have been working hard on our lines since regionals and we are going to have them all memorized by provincials.

My jobs for this year’s di I had to build the maze Traveler, be our team’s organizer, drive the maze Traveler, narrate and paint some backgrounds sounds like a lot I know. During the performance, I think I did well but we did have a few problems where someone forgot their line or a prop fell over or didn’t work properly. We did get second so that’s plus side even if it was out of two teams.

I think the props we made looked good with the story that we came up with. The story was Norse themed and had backdrops and a soundtrack made by Lucas. Other than the soundtrack needing a few more tracks nothing really needed to be fixed in regard to the story which followed a chief as he embarks on a quest to save his village.

Overall I really enjoyed Destination Imagination provincials went pretty well but there’s a lot that I could improve on and would do better for next time.

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