Let’s Get Riel

Part 1: Comic Book.

Our first part of this project was to read the Louis Riel comic book by Chester brown. While reading this book we had to create a chapter summery for each chapter. In each summery we had to answer a few questions like who had the power in this chapter and how Louis Riel was portrayed.

Heres my first Summery to give you an exsample of what they where like.

“In part one John a McDonald pans to buy Rupert’s land in December from the Hudson’s bay company. This creates a problem for the red river settlement because half of them are French and might not want to join Canada. So when they send McDougall to govern the fort he is met with opposition because the people want to vote in there leader so they decided to get 400 men to hold the fort from the government. So McDougall make a proclamation with a fake signature saying that the fort is Canada’s. Then riel decided to execute Scott do make his men gain his respect. After that they have to leave because the Canadian government is coming.

In this section of the book Louis Riél was vary stern and a good leader but also sometimes didn’t make the best choices. But the power in the part was to the government because they where able to force them to leave the settlement.”

Part 2: How Dose Power Alter Relationships?

During this part of the project we had to answer the question “How dose power alter relationships?” so I desided to answer this question by giving an exsample of a historical figure and how they altered a relationship. My historical charicter was John A. McDonald and I was going to animate his story.


At the start we had to pick a person in power and a group of peaple who are effected by that persons power. They also had to be a Canadian. So science no one else’s wanted to do John A mecdoanld I did and I chose the First Nations as the group of peaple he effected.



Next I had to do a lot of research on John a McDonald’s life this part wasent that hard but it was pretty time consuming.


The last step befor we could start animating was to make a story board so we could have a rough draft of what the video would look like. Once we were done the story bord we could start animating.


For the animation proses we had to have at least three drafts eac of them being better and longer than the last and for the last one we got a bunch of critique.

Our first draft was only 30 seconds but it dident need to have audio.

Our second  class needed to be at least one minute and have audio.

The final one needed to be over a minute and be a complete animated and audio story.

Part 3: Reflection

Now that my project is done I need to reflect on what I did well and what I could improve on.

I feel that I made a entertaining and engaging story that the class enjoyed. I feel that my use of comedy in the video was used well and apropietly. I also think my video was a good length.

A few thing that I cloud have done better where making the animation more fluid. I also could have added music to the video to fill up empty air.

Snow Snow Snow Then Some Extra Snow

So it’s snowing quite a bit in Vancouver.

Normally it only snows on the mountains in Vancouver but not this time; it came down the mountains and into the city. So now we have been getting snow on and off for the past few weeks!

It’s amazing having snow because it makes everything look pretty and it makes everyone stay inside so you can have fun family time and its also just another reason to get hot chocolate. Overall its been a pretty good winter so far : – ]