Welcome back to yet another post from my blog! This post is actually based off of our bacteria unit that took place months ago in second term, however, due to the year end PLP banquet, I was asked to write a short post for my fermented foods project.
Since most of my project as well as my explanations are in my video (click below to watch!⤵️), I will do a brief explanation and, to not bore you to death, I’ll keep it short and to the point. So fermented foods are when you add what is called good bacteria to your food and let it sit in a certain degree of temperature for a certain period of time. Traditionally, food was just left to sit out, however, this process is now done in factories and the bacteria is added rather then made naturally as the food is left to sit. Fermentation tends to give food a more sour flavour which is why products such as sour cream, sour dough bread, yogurt, etc. have a unique taste.
For this project, each of us were given a food to research on and eventually share with the class both our project and the food itself. This would take form in a festival like fashion where we would each have our own station. I was assigned sour cream and to create my presentation, I used Explain Everything to create a video to share. I’ve attached the video below for you to watch and hopefully, it will give you a better understanding about fermented foods and how they’re made.
I hoped you enjoyed this post and the video! Thanks for reading and watching!