Kira’s blog


Oregon trip

My PLP 8 class link an amazing opportunity to go down to the United States of America specifically the Oregon coast for seven days! Wait what? Did you just say that you went down to America with your CLASS!? Yes I did and in this post I will explain all of our educational but fun activities!

Educational activity’s:

There were so many activities my class did, and all of them were really fun! But my favourite one we did has to be climbing the Astoria tower! If you do not know what this is, the Astoria collum is a huge 125 foot tower that we climbed up the middle! I am slightly scared of heights so this was slightly scary for me but like fun scary!

activities: My favourite activity we did as a class was zip lining

This was my favourite thing we did because first it was really fun, second you go really fast like you are flying and lastly you got to see you class mates get dunked in the water on one of the lines!

Visiting Oregon was amazing it was so much fun because we got to learn by seeing and traveling to different places! Everyone had such a fun time! The places we went the places we stayed at and everything we saw was incredible! Out of this whole trip I think that my favourite moment was going to the first beach we saw and the sun was just fading as we arrived making it such a scenic place. Here are some photos:

To summarize, this trip made learning easy and fun while having a blast! And I think everyone had a few hours of choir practice in the bus… “DONT STOP BELIEVING”!!!!!!!!!

Kira • November 4, 2018

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