Kira’s blog


Blog challenge six

Hey everyone! It’s me Kira! Thanks for stopping by, after you’ve read my post please leave a comment down below I’d love to hear what you thought about it!

For this weeks blog challenge we had to do three challenges, for the first one we had to find a scientific topic that sounded interesting. I choose to learn more about how birds fly!

Birds all have different specialities some are very intelligent others are very vocal and some are birds of prey, birds of prey can fly far and high  FAST. This is mostly because of how their wings are shaped and how they move them. Birds wings are shaped like an airplanes, big at front and then slimmer at the back this allows more air under their wings to keep them up while they fly. When they flap their wings they flap them  not just up and down but also forward so they can move forward. Birds are also very strong since it takes a lot of effort to fly so they have very strong muscles and unlike us they have hollow bones making them lighter, birds are shaped aerodynamically. Many of the reasons why humans now have the technology to fly is because we studied how birds fly! Thank you birds! This is a very good video explaining how birds fly!


Part three: Two truths and one lie!

Kira • November 15, 2018

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