Kira’s blog



Heyo everybody!!!

For this weeks blog challenge I decided to draw out a story! This is called “trouble with siblings”!!! I hope you like it!!! Be sure to comment down below if you have a sibling like this!!!

Sibling luv!!!

Goodbye wonderful person!!!


P.S this is the inspiration for the story:

Kira • November 23, 2018

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  1. Grace November 23, 2018 - 5:44 pm Reply

    Hi Kira, I totally understand what your saying (or in this case drawing). I have a sister of my own and she is super annoying.

  2. Evelyn November 24, 2018 - 7:01 pm Reply

    I agree.

  3. Kira November 24, 2018 - 7:06 pm Reply

    Thanks so much for leaving a comment you guys! I can see we all share the same problem!! Haha

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