Time machine
Bringing out the best inside of yourself whether its making the right decision or taking a moment to revise your self morals and work ethic is hard, it is so easy to slip into destructive habits but there are ways to strengthen good habits. We learnt about goal setting, a book called 7 habits and productivity, these were all a part of a course called PGP. PGP taught me work ethic and that to have a good work ethic you need to listen, be productive, learn with an open mind and be consistent. I find that sometimes its hard for me to be consistent in work motivation. With work I usually end up with something that I’m proud of but sometimes I just don’t have the motivation or am just procrastinating, I know now that having a good work ethic is needed to successfully complete work above and beyond expectations. All of PGP really helped me out but I personally found that the seven habits worksheets were most helpful because they summed up 7 really important habits in an engaging way. My time machine I feel was directed kinda as summary of what I learned in PGP. I choose to represent what I learnt in a book because I wanted to accompany the words with pictures and book format was the most logical way I found.
Here is the final project: my book!
(make sure to watch the intro to the book at the start)!
And a little extra video!
PGP helps you become more responsible and a more sophisticated student. Next up on my list of books, 7 habits of highly effective grade 9ers!!!!