Only Kind of Sleepless in Seattle

A couple of weeks ago, my whole FLIGHT 9 class went to Seattle, where did a whole lot of things. It’s kind of crazy how many things we did. Although, crazy was kind of the point of the trip. While we were there, in groups of three or four, we would explain why a certain thing was crazy in it’s own way, and finish it off with a video. Jolene, Griffin, and I got the topic Sustainability in Zoos, specifically the Woodland Park Zoo. Our first goal was to finish a storyboard before to we left, so this is what we came up with in the one block we had:


The zoo was the first place we went on our trip. We weren’t there for very long so we only got about 45 minutes to do our filming. With only 45 minutes, we had a hard time getting everything we wanted, and we didn’t really. We had to do some creative things with the footage we had, and although this wasn’t the video we had originally set out to make, I think it shows our efforts. The three of us worked hard back at school to get the video up to a standard we were proud of and I think the overall project reflects that.

On the actual sustainability, we had to show in our video what the Woodland Park Zoo does to make their zoo sustainable, and ‘green’. What we got was a list of programs that the zoo does, including the Green Team, the Zoo Doo project, and quite a few more. If you want to check out any of these programs you can watch our video down below. Or click here to go to the zoo’s website.

This video is our final project. We worked hard for a couple of weeks to get this out, and had to broaden our iMovie skills to do it. I hope you enjoy our video.

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