Humanities Reflection

This year in humanities I have been working on multiple projects and assignments that I could showcase here. I have chosen to show my writing in essays, journals, and — to show my work from this past term. Our class has written two essays since December, one on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and one on John Krakauer’s novel Into Thin Air. Below are my essays from both of these assignments.

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 I personally think my writing is better in my Into Thin Air essay. It is probably because I spent more time and effort on that essay. These essay assignments have given me the tools to build up essays in the future. I have learned how to properly use quotes, and how to write about a topic objectively. I hope to learn how to write these kinds of essays better in the future, and want to work on that in this coming term. I especially want to work on making my sentences elegant, yet still have a themed and constant flow to it.

Procrastination comes into play everywhere I go, and this is no exception. I am hopeful to abolish this habit as we come in to 2015. I want to take my best foot forward this term, and do all my work before the due date. In humanities for the rest of the year, I plan to have all of my work done quality and ahead of time. My work is done best when a first draft is finished early, so I can go back and make edits and corrections. I want for my work to have a shown increase in quality (and maybe even quantity) in 2015.


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