“I Love Sexy Men”

The blue sky projects are done, the exhibition is over, and I never have to try to draw crying children again. What joy has come into my life. I ended up with only seven write ups instead of ten, because rhyming is about 83% harder than I thought it was going to be. Overall, I wasn’t overly impressed with my project but I finished it,



and at this point in the school year, that seems to be good enough for me.

One thing I learned from all of this was that I should have put more thought into the presentation of my project. I wanted to make my project into an iBook when I was done, but by the end I only had the time and energy to stick my printed out stories on a corkboard.


Looking at this is kind of sad.

In other news, I kind of regret not doing a project on High School Musical, just so I could call it the “corbin bleu sky project”.

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