I Would Much Rather Synthesize Perry The Platypus vs Doctor Doofenshmirtz

It’s been awhile, blog that nobody reads.

Though here we are, back again, with a new assignment: essays. Which I actually don’t hate, to be honest. I read a lot of personal essays on buzzfeed and other websites that I get linked to from buzzfeed, and I actually don’t mind writing essays.

But then comes planning essays, and it’s like it all gets 1000x worse. Then comes planningĀ synthesis essays, and everything feels like a soggy sock. All gross and uncomfortable. You can’t really take your soggy sock off until you get home though, and the same rules apply here. There’s no way around it, you just have to face the uncomfortable feelings until you’re done with the goal. I had to finish the essay to take off the soggy sock.


The first thing I had to do was make a venn diagram comparing the two stories we read. I’m not going to post that here because it’s:

a) very boring

b) honestly not that good

c) if you haven’t read both pieces of writing it probably won’t make any sense anyways

Since there’s no point in making you sit through that torture, I will explain my own in the next step. Actual essay planning. Coming up with key sentences and points isn’t all that hard, you just have to use big words and people will believe anything you say. No, the real torture comes with findingĀ quotes.

I’m hoping for the actual exam we have to do in January this will be easier because the stories will be shorter and fresher in my mind, but finding at least three quotes from two long-ish stories proved a difficult task. I pretty much had to read both texts again because I didn’t mark the quotes when I saw them. Granted re-reading only took me about two hours, I could have been napping in that time.

Finally we wrote the essay, which took longer than it should have. Two classes and some time that evening, but I finished it, and here it is for your reading pleasure.




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