Star Wars: The Blog Awakens

Well, this is pretty late.

In mid-December, my class had a Star Wars themed “maker faire”, where we all did projects based around Star Wars. Granted, I wasn’t there, so I can’t really say how the whole thing went (when I asked, nobody really gave me a clear answer), but I can tell you about my project.

My goal was to make a project about Artificial Intelligence, you know, the stuff everyone says is going to take over the world someday. Because I had to relate my project to Star Wars, I related it to the sassiest robot of all time- C3PO (coincidentally, he’s also the most useless character in Star Wars Lego). My question ended up being: How realistic is C3PO?

The short answer is not at all, but I also went in to ask if it would ever be possible. Since that answer was more indecisive than anything else, my project is actually pretty sad, but you can watch the video anyways.

The challenges I faced while making this video were actually bigger than I thought they would be. It turns out it’s hard to find real-life information on something that, at this point, is basically science fiction. It’s also really stressful to have to try to put the finishing touches on your video the day it is due and suddenly have your COMPUTER RUN OUT OF SPACE. I ended up having to delete The Sims 3, Minecraft, and World Of Warcraft to finish this video, but I made it to the other side with an at least slightly presentable project.

And I guess that’s all the matters.

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