SCL Summer Blog Post 2016

So it’s time for yet another SLC. I’ve been able to do three of these already without curling up into a ball and wasting away, so I guess number four will be okay.

I think my cracking point would be about seven.

This year, we’ve done a lot of work…blah blah blah…showcase my work…blah blah blah. I’m sure by now, everyone knows what they’re in for, no? Lets just get started with it then.

This time, I’m supposed to showcase something I’m proud of, something I’m not proud of, and then discuss goals.

Me being proud of something is something that you’ll rarely see broadcasted. Personally, I think it’s kind of egotistical to be super proud of my own work, although I don’t seem to have much of a problem when I see other people do it. There’s always room for improvement, and that’s why I never really finish anything.

Except these.

My blog posts are the some of the only things that I actually sat down and finished beginning to end. That’s what I’m proud of. With these, I can just brainstorm an idea, pick the best one, and spend a few hours doing it. Each blog post takes about 2 to 6 hours to make, depending on what my plan is. I just sit down, and I feel motivated to get it done, start to finish. I actually kind of like doing them, and that’s why I think they’re good. And I think I’ve figured out the reason I like them. It’s all my ideas, I can sit down and do something, whatever I want, completely uncensored.

And example of this is my Deep South blog post. I just kind of wrote about my feelings instead of trying to make a

I think I do my best work uncensored. When I don’t have a project plan to follow, I’m not worried about completing a bunch of stuff that I really don’t care about. Writing a blog post is less like a project and more like when I try to memorize the history of Walt Disney Studios, or spend a week learning about Barak Obama for no apparent reason. Or when Blog posts remind me of when I was in fourth grade, and I would write an essay on Walrus’ for fun.

Or maybe it’s because I don’t really get anything out of the blog posts than fun facts, and I really like fun facts. To quote Jack Arthur: “So you don’t care about scientific facts but you care about which Pixar movies have the best animation, and which have the best story?”

Yup. And by the way, best animation is The Good Dinosaur, while best story will send me into a half hour rant about originality, critical acclaim, impact on the audience, and significance in film history.

Time for what I think needs to stay in the shadows. The things I ain’t exactly proud of. I picked two things, because I am an overachiever at underachieving. But I probably could have bashed every single project I’ve ever made, because I’m not happy with virtually anything I do, so maybe I’m not underachieving. I might just be too picky.

So first, I’m going to start with my Blue Sky.

The thing about Blue Sky this year is I made elaborate plans, and then when they fell through, I forgot about it until it was too late to make a good project. I think a lot of my problem is the fact that I
1) somehow just thought this project would do itself
2) don’t know how to build stuff, so I couldn’t take the easy build something in one evening route.

I’m not going to show my Blue Sky to you because I can’t do that without cringing, and here’s why: it has nothing to do with me at all. Blue Sky projects are supposed to be personal, yet mine somehow never are. They’re the opposite of my blog posts, and always some of the most mediocre projects I do. I guess a way to fix this would be to pick something I truly care about, but this is hard when the the things I’m interested in fall so outside of anything that could relate to a project. I would be happy to just talk about Pixar for hours, but that’s not a project.

Instead I guess I just put minimal effort into a mediocre project. It’s really hard for me to put maximum effort into a project I don’t care about. So I guess my only option is to pick something I am actually interested in for more that five minutes. If that’s even possible.

The second project of mine I am going to bash is my Little Big Story of styrofoam. My problem with this project lies completely in one thing, I did all my research, planned it out, and created the beginning, and then realized I needed to start on my civil rights one and shoved this one to the back-burner. By the time I went back to this one, I didn’t have time to do everything I wanted to do with it. In reality, my shortcomings in this video come from bad time management. I actually think if I had have had enough time, this video would have been really good. I just didn’t beat the clock with this one.

Time to discuss goals. My goal from my last SLC were to do this one without using the words “meh”, “it didn’t suck”, and “it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be”. I did my best to do that. It’s part of why I only actually showed you a little bit of work. To me, my work is never done, so “finished products” just make me want to defend how bad it is.

I’m also supposed to reflect on the year. It was a good year. I was overbooked in the winter, and honestly because the Panto is doing Peter Pan this year someone really has to talk me out of overbooking again. The overbooking hit my schoolwork hard, but I’m only doing two choirs next year, and one is in timetable, so I’m going to have a lot more free time on my hands. Yeah.
So I guess that opens it up to questions, then.

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