I didn’t think anything interesting ever happened in Nova Scotia. Like, it’s one of those provinces (50% of the provinces) that I mostly forget exists because nothing has ever happened there that seemed interesting. Also, the world revolves around me and where’s I live which is Vancouver so Vancouver is obviously the most important Canadian city.

Well, I must have been wrong because holy crudshack did Halifax get crazy in 1917. Things really BLEW UP there. Heh.

No, but like 2000 people died it was pretty bad. And 2000 people dying is like, a HUGE deal back then. If I heard an explosion caused 2000 deaths today I would probably just be like “another awful day in 2016”. Unless it was in Canada because as I said before, I live in Canada and the world revolves around me.

I don’t really want to just regurgitate information to you, so if you’re interested in all the exact details of what happened with the Halifax explosion. Here are a few links:

Also here’s a song someone wrote about it:

For our assignment, we had to work in groups to create a news report about what happened in Halifax that day. Since my group was just me and Matthew, we did a breaking news report. We didn’t have a whole bunch of people so we weren’t able to a newsroom-esque video.



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