The Power of Being Uncomfortable

History was made in the deep south during the 1800’s with the civil war, and again in the 1950’s and 60’s with the civil rights movement. When I was standing in the places where the history happened so long ago, I could feel it. The air was heavy (with both humidity and history) and the ground felt packed with stories and riddled with purpose.

I learnt a lot on this trip. I was taught about what’s important and about change and told dozen of stories. This trip to the south showed me resilience in it’s true form. I met incredible people and left very inspired; but I also left feeling changed. The funny part is, the change and the inspiration didn’t come hand in hand. The inspiration is something that came from the big picture of where I was, and who I met. The change in perspective came from something else entirely.

There were a few things that I noticed down south that were very hard to swallow. The first was that they don’t recycle. I’ve been to place that had no recycling system once before, and it was very close to where I was this time. About four years ago in Florida, my family had separated our garbage from recycling for the two weeks we had been on vacation. When we went to go dispose of the bags, my sister and I were both mortified to find only trash bins. I don’t remember a world without recycling, it’s always been something that’s been drilled into me at both school and at home. My parents tell me they’ve recycled, in different ways, their whole lives. In my mother’s childhood, they didn’t have weekly pickup, but everything was reused. Their pop bottles were glass, and they would get them refilled at the store. It seems like these southern towns, both big and small, don’t have either the reuse method my parents grew up on or the recycling one I’ve been taught. They progressed past the reuse and went to the one time use without learning the proper disposal methods, and it makes me wonder how much southern children are taught about keeping our planet green.

In small town Mississippi, I wasn’t necessarily as uncomfortable more than I was amazed. We made a pit stop at a gas station, and the minute we stepped out of that van we were all completely out of our element. I could see two confederate flags from the middle-of-nowhere old gas station, there were two stray dogs hanging out in the sun, and a horse ten feet away from us. There was an old unoccupied building stating it was a laundromat and had video games (fancy). The man who owned the horse then came out of his house to greet us, and said the only thing that made me think I hadn’t time traveled back to the year 1978, and it was that his horse had a facebook page.

The environment I experienced in that short pitstop was unlike anything I had ever really seen before. I didn’t think places like that actually still existed, but a horse and a shirtless 70 year old man had proved me wrong. Although this might all fall in within the stereotype of the small southern town, nothing that I saw there was anything I expected. I had no idea that places like that still existed, and that made me realize that not all of America is like Washington and California, or even Vancouver. Somehow, it’s almost if Mississippi is 40 years behind.

In Selma, I met my next uncomfortable topic. In a tour off the town headed by a woman who grew up there, Joanne Bland. I saw a world I had never seen outside of fictionalized stories. And for the lack of a better word, I am going to use a word that makes me very uncomfortable. A word I am aware is stigmatized and I probably should avoid, but it’s still the first word that came to mind when I entered the area. So for the sake of honesty, I had entered the “ghetto”. The ghetto or projects or whatever you want to call it was scary for me. When we drove in, Ms. Bland told us not to “act like tourists” or we’ll be shot. I know she was joking (or at least, I’m pretty sure), but gun violence isn’t something that people in Vancouver joke about, so it caught me a little bit off guard. It was scary for me to be there, I had never been in a place like that before. I guess the closest would be the downtown east side, and I’m not afraid of the east side.

Not until about a day and a half later did I realize the true uncomfortableness of the “ghetto”. What’s bad about the ghetto isn’t the reasons I was afraid when I was actually there. What’s bad about it is the fact that it exists. Or, that it had to be created in the first place. Those people in those small apartments didn’t chose to be there, they’re smart people. In fact, Ms. Bland told us that the school that takes in all the kids from those buildings has the highest testing scores in the whole state. People in those projects aren’t stupid, but once you’re put in there it’s hard to get out. Really hard. Then I realized who put those people in those projects. It was my people, the white people, that put them in such bad situations.

Maybe this shouldn’t be such a shock to me. Maybe I should have thought about this long ago, but it was something I didn’t realize until I saw it with my own two eyes. I felt bad about it, and then I felt some kind of weird guilt about it. I’ve gotten over that now because guilt solves nothing, and nothing there was directly my fault. However, that doesn’t meant I want to ignore it. The uncomfortableness of all this was a good thing, because everything that really happens happens because people are uncomfortable. White people being uncomfortable with black people brought oppression, but black people being uncomfortable with how they were treated brought civil rights. It’s the same thing with the transgender bathroom laws right now, or even veganism (which seems to be a big controversy right now).

Being uncomfortable was what made me realize what the problems are, but if I don’t deal with my uncomfortableness the right way, I could end up on the wrong side of history. I have to be okay with being uncomfortable and learning from my experiences, or nothing will change. And the more I accept what’s uncomfortable, the more I know what needs to change.

A small collection of pictures from the trip:

Hip Hop My Way Outta Here

In the time since I have last posted, the class has done some more civil rights stuff, and we’ve moved on to music of the same era. So like, country, blues, rock n roll, all that jazz (jazz too, I guess, if you’re in New Orleans.

When thinking of an idea for my next reflection, I wanted to see how the music genres we listen to today have come about, and what they all came from. So I looked at some wikipedia pages and a couple timelines to try and link them together. It too me quite a while to get an actual coherent timeline of my own, and it was really messy (the struggle of using actual paper).

I then found an app to make it pretty, cause it was not.


When making it, I added the origins of each genre, as in what race created it. I found it interesting that mixed music inspired black music, but white music only held country and classical. I would assume this stems from the fact that music has always been a staple of the culture of black americans, in religion, hardships, and entertainment, while white americans could usually take or leave music up until a certain point in time.

Another thing I found interesting was that I couldn’t really find anything on some of the genres we have today. It’s almost like music like dubstep and electronic music came out of nowhere. And while I can find when and how genres like pop were created, theres no indication as to when pop music went from what it was created as to… like, this.

I also wanted to find a way to experience all the different kinds of music. The best way I could think of was to sing them, so that’s what I did. I skipped the slave songs, because there’s no way I could sing a slave song, they’re hard to sing alone, and it felt kind of wrong. I did my best to go in order, but it was kind of hard after awhile. I stopped once I got to disco, hip hop, and rap, because I couldn’t find any of those kinds of songs I could play on ukulele. I then piled clips of all the songs I learned together.

Oh, and for the love of god, I am sorry for how out of tune the soul part is.

Document Face Off: How Important Was The Civil Rights Act of 1964?


The other day my dad weirdly asked me what I thought what the most important human rights document ever written. After I didn’t answer him, he answered himself, with the Magna Carta. This whole, one sided conversation was weird, and I did my best to forget about it until the other day, when I was reading about The Civil Rights Act of 1964. After that, I was reminded of the dreaded conversation and decided to actually look up the Magna Carta, because I had no idea what it was.

Once I realized what the Magna Carta was, I was firstly confused why so many people cared to crowd around it when I was at the archives museum in DC. Then I started listing all the reasons why all the civil rights documents seem wayyyy more important. Especially The Civil Rights Act of 1964. THEN I looked up to see if people agreed with my point, and they did (just read the first sentence of this article). So this is going to be the theme I go with this week.

Modern society would not be the same without the Civil Rights Act. Without us outruling systematic oppression and discrimination at the time that we did, our society would have an ever worse power imbalance than it already has.

This is versus the Magna Carta, which was written in 1215. The reason I bring this up is I personally believe that in 1215, nothing important could have ever been signed. I think without the Magna Carta, not much would be different. Because of the fact that people were generally really stupid until AT LEAST the 1800’s, figuring out the rules of justice even, like, a century later probably wouldn’t have made much difference.

Because of the fast-progressing nature of the 20th century (I mean, we got common household electricity in the same 100 years as space travel), even putting off The Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 5 years could have deeply harmed our society. It would have prolonged our protests, both against and for equal rights and integration. It could have also possibly prolonged other issues like LGBTQ+ rights.

Without the progression of civil rights being exactly where it was, North America would not be what it is today. I mean, there’s already SO MANY AWFUL THINGS IN OUR CONTINENT. If we didn’t have important documents like the Civil Rights Act signed when they were, things would be SO. MUCH. WORSE.

Without the Magna Carta, I mean, we probably would have figured out the stuff in there before anything important happened. I’m not saying that stuff that happened in the 13th century wasn’t important, but it seems like the history you learn in school jumps straight from the fall of the Roman Empire to the 1600’s. Plus, I seriously doubt anybody in the 13th century followed the fair justice stuff written in the Magna Carta. If you don’t believe me, just look at the wikipedia page for the century. Nothing but violence and wars. Yeesh.

If you’re going to take anything away from this giant blog post that is just text that I’m not even sure is written in an appropriate style for a school assignment, let it be this: When everyone was the Magna Carta when I was in DC, they should have been crowding around the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Even though I’m pretty sure it wasn’t on display.

Lynching in America

For the next unit, my blog titles will probably be less humorous. We’ve started learning about the Civil Rights Movement, and making jokes about that just seems….wrong. So yeah, ix nay on the jokes at the moment.

For my first reflection, I decided to do it on lynching. I was interested in the topic because a couple years ago I saw the movie 12 Years a Slave and one of the scenes that really stuck with me was the hanging scene. It made me so uncomfortable, because it was supposed to.

I didn’t really know the significance of that scene at the time, just that it was really freaking uncomfortable it was to watch and how awful it was. When we learned about lynching, my mind went back to that scene in the movie, and just how awful it was to watch on screen. I can barely imagine how depressing it would be to see that in real life.

Along with the fact that people would go out and watch it. They would purposefully go out and watch the killing of other people.

So I tried to do a video on where lynching came from and how it continued to happen into the 60’s. It was kind of hard, because that’s something that’s hard to pinpoint. Luckily, there were quite a few sources I found from the time period that explored the topic.

If you’re interested, here are some of the primary sources I pulled from to make the video.

“Why is the Negro Lynched?” by Fredrick Douglass (1895)

“The Truth About Lynching and The Negro in the South: In Which the Author Pleads That the South be Made Safe for the White Race” by Winfield H. Collins (1918)

Eleanor Roosevelt to Walter White detailing the First Lady’s lobbying efforts for federal action against lynchings letter, (19 March 1936)

A terrible blot on American civilization (1922)


March 2016 SLC

SLCs are back…yay?

Just kidding, not yay. More like a noncommital grunt. I don’t hate SLCs, but they’re not my favourite thing.


First of all, I’m supposed to show you something I’m proud of. I actually have two things so I’m gonna show both of them so you have less time to ask me questions. First of all, I have my narrative essay thing. I thought I did a pretty good job on it. For the essay, I worked on and edited an outline until I had something I was happy with and then I wrote it, and wrote it again, until I was happy with it. I actually didn’t put this on my blog because it’s a more personal story that I wouldn’t want to put on the Internet, but I’ll read a little bit of it right now. I am also no longer aware of how the first sentence makes sense AT ALL.

I’m not going to read any further than that, mostly because I hate the fake names I gave my friends and saying them out loud would be weird. Although this is something I’m proud of, that doesn’t mean I can’t be critical of it. As I read it a few months later, there are so many things I want to change. The thing is, I can’t, because it’s finished. My biggest worry about that essay is that I made it too conversational, and because I was just writing down an experience I had, it didn’t feel like work and was super easy. But I guess that might be why it was good. I’m not really sure.

The second thing I want to show you isn’t actually finished yet, which is why it too, is not on my blog. It’s my podcast! I actually thought my podcast was going to suck from the get-go, but it’s actually turning out pretty well. When I started working on this thing, it actually was going pretty mediocre. My story wasn’t strong and I felt like everything was all over the place. And I really didn’t want to start over, but I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get a strong story out of what I had. So, I started again. I grabbed a notebook and started writing an into. I felt like I needed a story to connect the whole podcast instead of just aimlessly talking. So I thought about what everything I was talking about in my podcast related to, and came up with a main idea, challeneges. Then I came up with a metaphor that I thought was really cheesy and lame, and I was like super close to taking it out, but since my teachers say it’s good, I guess it can stay.


There’s still a few linear and editing things I want to fix, but it’s pretty close to being finished.


So now I’m supposed to show you something that demonstrates my learning. This is hard for me because I have no idea what I’m supposed to put here. So instead of actually picking soemthing, I’m just going to talk about my growth and use my example of wow, look, I actually handed it in. So I’ll use the example of that explain everything I had to do, because it’s already on my blog. Even though it was a partner project, I ended up having to do the whole thing by myself, and honestly I just think it shows my growth that I did it. I think if I had of ended up in this situation before, I would have just done my part and then blamed my partner for the fact that it wasn’t done. Instead, I just buckled down and did it. Even though we weren’t supposed to do this project for homework, I did a little bit, because I had no choice, and I just got it done. It’s obivously not the best work I’ve ever done, but the point is I did my best to just finish. And I did. And I handed it in. And sometimes, that’s literally the best I can do.

I mean, it’s not like it sucks that bad. I’ll show a little bit of it.


GROWTH MINDSET TIME. First of all, I actually don’t hate the concept of growth mindset that much, because it’s kind of what I’ve been doing to fix my anxiety. Except in the real world, people just call it realistic thinking. If you think realistically, then you probably have a growth mindset, because if you think realistically, you realize that things are things and you can improve at them if you try.

So for this part, I’m going to use DI. although DI was mostly hard to take seriously because of the name, it’s actually not that bad. It would be super easy for me to say that I came over a fear one direction performing or something, but I don’t have a fear of performing. I have no issues putting myself in the spotlight. I might lie and say I did, but I would probably be called out on it. I have to come up with a way that DI actually helped me grow.

So since  I’m obivously not a timid performer. So I guess the thing I had to get over was the fact that I couldn’t take this thing seriously. I had to admit that it wasn’t like THAT stupid, and try a little bit. I mean I definitely tried at it. My group met up almost every weekend, and we worked really hard on story and script, then we worked really hard on practicing.

So my growth mindset here is probably the fact that I was willing to try. That shows way more willingness and growth than anything else in this project. And although I’m like the only person in the class not moving forward with provincials, I actually have a valid excuse. So it’s not like I’m just giving up out of complete bitterness.

I’ll show a tiny bit of the DI stuff, even though it kind of makes me cringe to watch me act on video.



Explain, Like, Most Things

Recently, my class and an assignment where we used the app explain everything to create a YouTube video on how the vote in Canada went from a prick edge to a right. We had about a week to complete this task. First, we had to create a storyboard for how our explain everything would play out. This also had to be accompanied by a thesis. Because my storyboard was pretty much illegible, I had to explain it pretty well, but was still the first person to get the go ahead.


If you can read the top, the thesis for the video is “The vote in Canada went from a privilege to a right through social pressure and change.” This basically means that through pressure and actions from oppressed communities social change erupted, and the people on top no longer saw these communites as worthless.

After explaining the thesis to my teacher, I began gathering the visuals for the project, and the pictures to use for the animation. This took one class, and the next class I wrote the script for the video. Then, there was only one class so I did the animations at home and we used it for recording.

This was the final product:

Star Wars: The Blog Awakens

Well, this is pretty late.

In mid-December, my class had a Star Wars themed “maker faire”, where we all did projects based around Star Wars. Granted, I wasn’t there, so I can’t really say how the whole thing went (when I asked, nobody really gave me a clear answer), but I can tell you about my project.

My goal was to make a project about Artificial Intelligence, you know, the stuff everyone says is going to take over the world someday. Because I had to relate my project to Star Wars, I related it to the sassiest robot of all time- C3PO (coincidentally, he’s also the most useless character in Star Wars Lego). My question ended up being: How realistic is C3PO?

The short answer is not at all, but I also went in to ask if it would ever be possible. Since that answer was more indecisive than anything else, my project is actually pretty sad, but you can watch the video anyways.

The challenges I faced while making this video were actually bigger than I thought they would be. It turns out it’s hard to find real-life information on something that, at this point, is basically science fiction. It’s also really stressful to have to try to put the finishing touches on your video the day it is due and suddenly have your COMPUTER RUN OUT OF SPACE. I ended up having to delete The Sims 3, Minecraft, and World Of Warcraft to finish this video, but I made it to the other side with an at least slightly presentable project.

And I guess that’s all the matters.

I Would Much Rather Synthesize Perry The Platypus vs Doctor Doofenshmirtz

It’s been awhile, blog that nobody reads.

Though here we are, back again, with a new assignment: essays. Which I actually don’t hate, to be honest. I read a lot of personal essays on buzzfeed and other websites that I get linked to from buzzfeed, and I actually don’t mind writing essays.

But then comes planning essays, and it’s like it all gets 1000x worse. Then comes planning synthesis essays, and everything feels like a soggy sock. All gross and uncomfortable. You can’t really take your soggy sock off until you get home though, and the same rules apply here. There’s no way around it, you just have to face the uncomfortable feelings until you’re done with the goal. I had to finish the essay to take off the soggy sock.


The first thing I had to do was make a venn diagram comparing the two stories we read. I’m not going to post that here because it’s:

a) very boring

b) honestly not that good

c) if you haven’t read both pieces of writing it probably won’t make any sense anyways

Since there’s no point in making you sit through that torture, I will explain my own in the next step. Actual essay planning. Coming up with key sentences and points isn’t all that hard, you just have to use big words and people will believe anything you say. No, the real torture comes with finding quotes.

I’m hoping for the actual exam we have to do in January this will be easier because the stories will be shorter and fresher in my mind, but finding at least three quotes from two long-ish stories proved a difficult task. I pretty much had to read both texts again because I didn’t mark the quotes when I saw them. Granted re-reading only took me about two hours, I could have been napping in that time.

Finally we wrote the essay, which took longer than it should have. Two classes and some time that evening, but I finished it, and here it is for your reading pleasure.




Summer, I Mean, Spring, SLC

I don’t really remember when I did my last SLC, I just remember I was like two weeks late because of complications. I know it’s been a long time though. Before I start posting all my stuff, I would like to thank my teachers for not making us post like 5 posts again, because I won’t think I could have handled that. And I probably would just have like.. not done it.

*Mario voice* Here we go!

It took me a few minutes to decide which Mario voice clip to use. So many options.


I mean, yeah, I’ve improved over the last few months. Last time, I remember refusing to show any iMovies cause I was worried they were all crap. I mean, they kind of were. I’ll show the first forty seconds of my zoo movie to prove this (this is one of the movies I edited).

Greeeeat. Bad pictures with voice over at it’s finest. Now, I can’t say that my most recent video shows that I’ve become a movie editing expert, but I can assure you I’ve gotten better. Especially considering that the zoo movie took three people about a week, and I made this next one in bed in less than two hours.

I think this shows that maybe I suck at this less than I used to. That shows learning and improvement, right?

I think these videos show that I really have improved my skills in delivery of information. I’ve somehow learned that it is much better to be conversational in any kind of presenting work than trying to sound all stiff and proper. I know there is a place for professional speaking and such, but it’s so much easier for me to just roll with it. I mean, did you hear that script in the first video? Not that it was me speaking, but I wrote it. It had no emotion whatsoever. Ick.

This has also showed in my blog posts. If you go back to the very beginning, I didn’t show much trace of personality in them until after my first SLC. Like literally right after my SLC. It’s like after winter break I just kind of gave up and became less of a robot. Which is a good thing. If anyone is wondering, I am referencing our first Romeo and Juliet blog post, where all I do is trash how stupid Romeo and Juliet are. I stand behind this argument.


Ok, everyone knows highlighting my best work isn’t some my best work. Ha. I have to say, for awhile my blog posts were pretty decent, but I feel like they took a blunder after the napoleon stop motion Joel and I made. I blame my dad for making us watch a stupid movie he ordered while we worked. It really took away from the educational process.

In all honesty I haven’t even seen the stop motion video, I’m just going to assume it’s awful.

Although, my first blog post for the revolutions was actually pretty cool. This was the one where I sang Viva la Vida but changed the lyrics to match my topic. I will play the song, but I will warn everyone that I am pretty out of tune.

I know I’ve made some okay stuff, but honestly I don’t know what to show. It’s hard for me to say what is my best work and all, so I have no idea whatsoever. I’m just going to keep on working at it until I create something I’m really proud of for more than like a day. It’ll probably take awhile. Stay tuned for next year.

But at least I know what my worst work is. TRAINS!

That was probably everybody’s worst work, tbh.


So, in January, I set some goals for myself. Lets see how those are doing.

Goal 1: My goal for humanities this term is to be able to write efficiently and eloquently without losing tone or meaning. I think being able to write with a larger vocabulary, and faster without second guessing myself, would benefit my work greatly.

Honestly my vocabulary has probably decreased because I have NO idea what eloquently means, but I do think my writing has improved. It shows in scripts for videos and my blog posts. It didn’t improve in the way I thought it would, but I can write without second guessing myself pretty easily. I’ve found putting a lot of honesty in my writing can make it seem more raw and less like a textbook. Honestly, I probably should still increase my vocabulary, but my school blog isn’t Websters Dictionary, so whatevs.

Goal 2: My goal for science this term is to do my work throughly and try to obtain a deeper understanding of my science subjects.

What I accomplished was more like thinking I understood stuff then finding out at the test that I wasn’t too great. I thought I was really good at chemistry until I got 51% on the test. I didn’t take a retest, because I didn’t realize I could at the time, which I regret, but hopefully I’ll figure out chemistry in grade ten, right?

I actually did understand the whole electricity unit. Not putting the wires together and stuff, but I was killer at the formulas. It was probably largely due to the fact that I missed a couple classes, so I actually went over the stuff at home. Funny how that helps. I should have figured that out earlier, but I didn’t.

Goal 3: My goal for personal learning this term is procrastinate less and get more work done (or more drafts) so my final product will have more revisions and ultimately be better.

Hey, I was doing pretty well until concert season. I actually think I improved at this and got my work done better and faster until I had more choir rehearsals and got a job at pretty much the exact same time. I lost week time and weekend time, and I was freaking exhausted. My new goal is figuring out my new time management now that I don’t have whole weekends to get stuff done. I did it all the time when I played ringette, so I must have had it figured out at some point.


It’s been a good year mostly, everyone should be glad I didn’t play ringette because yeah my work would have gone downhill with that time loss. I think what I need to focus on for next year is sucking it up when I’m tired and getting stuff done, and probably blocking the entire website that is YouTube, YouTube is my weakness.

At least it’s not Netflix, binge watching is probably worse.

Kirby Out.

“I Love Sexy Men”

The blue sky projects are done, the exhibition is over, and I never have to try to draw crying children again. What joy has come into my life. I ended up with only seven write ups instead of ten, because rhyming is about 83% harder than I thought it was going to be. Overall, I wasn’t overly impressed with my project but I finished it,



and at this point in the school year, that seems to be good enough for me.

One thing I learned from all of this was that I should have put more thought into the presentation of my project. I wanted to make my project into an iBook when I was done, but by the end I only had the time and energy to stick my printed out stories on a corkboard.


Looking at this is kind of sad.

In other news, I kind of regret not doing a project on High School Musical, just so I could call it the “corbin bleu sky project”.